B2 speaking questions with answers. Remember to answer the questions after each beep.
- B2 speaking questions with answers The FCE part 2 speaking exam focuses on your ability to compare two picture and also your ability to be coherent when you’re speaking by yourself for a relatively long time. It is very useful for a teacher to have it printed and you can also print it and hand it out to your students so every time you want to have some ready-made questions on the table you do not need spend your time searching. To help learners feel more confident and to develop grammatical accuracy, the warm-up questions have some suggested answer beginnings, which makes them ideal for students who are practicing the future simple for the first time. Now I am going to ask you some questions about films. The examiner will also ask you a question about your partner’s photographs which you will need to answer for a duration of around thirty seconds. After a brief introduction with the examiner, you’ll be asked a series of questions on a couple of different topics. ESB B2 Sample 4 10 Part 3 – Responding to Questions TOPIC 2: Dreams and Ambitions A three-way discussion between interlocutor and candidates based on a new topic. Practice for part 4 of the speaking paper with these questions all about the Earth. I've also written sample answers, because I'm an amazing person. pdf), Text File (. Speaking test samples are the same as those provided for the paper-based sample test. Try and answer in two or three sentences giving a short reason or example with your answers. The teacher is explaining something, and the girl is listening and taking notes. The examiner asks speaking questions and you may How to Answer B2 Speaking Part 1 Questions. You and your partner will take turns answering questions about your interests, studies, career, hobbies and/or family. English language learning lessons for speaking, reading, writing and listening English language practice. The questions in the exam probably won’t be exactly the same as these ones, but they will be similar. Community Speaking B2 Questions. Your topic is (choose topic for candidate). To get better score, take a look at the FCE Speaking page. The main marking criteria are your ability to form full and informative answers, your use of grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation, and the interaction between you and your partner. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Two Types of holiday / Different homes / Retirement gifts. B2 First Digital Writing Sample Test. Feb 7, 2024 · 5 Free Practice Tests (Online & PDF) | B2 First (FCE) Reading, Use of English, Listening Practice Tests Succeed in your Cambridge exam and advance your career and education Dec 17, 2023 · Part 1: In this part, you are going to answer some questions about yourself. Part 1 of the speaking exam is a conversation, or “interview,” with the examiner. Art - Listening Comp. Conversation with the examiner. The interlocutor may ask for a specific Below you will find FCE (B2) Speaking Part 2 cards with sample answers and useful phrases. This section is about getting to know the candidates and making them feel comfortable. The document IELTS Speaking Sample section has more than 110 Complete IELTS Speaking Questions and their band 8-9 answers. What It Means: Certain topics tend to come up frequently in Part 1 of the Speaking exam. Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for intermediate level students with a B1 or B2 level who want to improve their English conversation fluency. Practice speaking about the topic of learning and eduction with these practice questions for part 1 of the speaking paper. I can discuss a question with a partner and work towards an agreement. Learn some useful phrases for changing the subject or moving on to the next point. Help & Support Vulnerability Disclosure Program. Further recommended reading: FCE Speaking Part 2 Tips. Firstly you should practice on your own expressing your opinion about each prompt. All the discussion and conversation topics for classes or online English learners. English Speaking Exercises for B2 with Answers. At B2 level you start to see a wider variety of speaking part 2 topics. Before you speak you have one minute to prepare and to make notes. What do you like to do in your free time? 3. In Fce speaking part 2, the examiner gives #esol #languagecert #noielts #part1 #languagecertspeaking #online #studyinukwithoutielts # speakingpart1 #slovedansofpart1 For more information regarding stu In part 4 of the speaking paper you will be asked a variety of question that are closely related to the theme of part 3. You will answer 5 questions about each topic. i) The interlocutor thanks Candidate B, then gives Candidate B two different photographs and briefly says what the photographs show. 10,000+ results for 'b2 questions' WH Question Answers 2 Group sort. LanguageCert Communicator B2 6 PART 4 (4 minutes including follow-up questions) I: In Part Four you are going to talk on your own for about two minutes. B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. You can print them or save in PDF. You’ll see how the questions are structured, and you can learn useful phrases that will help you to compare photos and speculate on what could be happening. [Don't memorise answers - it will give a bad impression. Discover the key strategies to achieve a good mark, including giving long answers, using correct tenses, and practicing with example questions. Some key details include: - The student lives in Madrid in a flat near school with their parents, sister, niece, and nephew. Part 4 of the speaking paper is where you and your partner are asked questions related to the topic of part 3, and these questions are all related to the topic of money. There can be questions related to everyday activities, but also about feelings, time, society or environment. Practice Listening Tests for B2 with Answers & Transcripts English Speaking Exercises for B2 with Answers. These IELTS Speaking questions are usually easier to answer than the other two parts. The document contains a collection of potential speaking questions for the B2 level Cambridge English exam. You will have 30 seconds to answer questions 1 to 4 and 40 seconds to answer question 5 in each topic. Watch the video below and practice answering typical questions you might get in part one of your speaking paper about your family. However, there are many ways you can practise from home, too. If you would like access to more simulated APTIS speaking tests then please visit our exam library here. Explore courses Practice your vocabulary and speaking skills for part 2 of the speaking paper with the sample question below. IELTS Speaking Part 1 questions are chosen by your examiner. You should answer the question, and then invite your partner to answer or give their opinion, as well. Practice Common Speaking Topics. #languagecert #ielts #speakingmodule #languagecerB2In this video, speaking module of LanguageCert has been fully explained along with its four parts question In Part 2 of the speaking paper each candidate will be given two photographs to compare and answer a question about. Corporate Governance; Acknowledgements; Practice Vocabulary Tests for B2 with Answer. The document contains a list of 43 questions that could be asked in a B2 level speaking exam. Practice for the first part of the speaking paper by answering these questions all related to the topic of travel and holidays. B2 First Listening Sample 1 answer tapescript. Now I am going to ask you some questions about your Sample Questions And Model Answers For APTIS Speaking Part 1. B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards - PE Questions and answers - Quiz - PE Personal Questions - B2+ Speaking part 1 Questions - Present simple questions. You’re going to talk about a house or flat you would like to live in. It is not necessary to use all the questions. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. FCE Speaking Exam Sample Questions and Answers. You should respond to your partner's answers, and you should ask for their opinions about your answers. Please find these in B2 First Speaking Test Part 1 Exercise 1 is set at an Upper Intermediate Level of English to practice for the B2 First Exam where the examiner asks question about yourself and your life. Don’t worry if I interrupt you as timing is very important. How to Practice: Candidates will be asked roughly the same number of questions, but not necessarily the same questions. Warmer questions MUSIC This is a list of questions for discussion in ESL class. It’s important to try to find a balance and to answer naturally, rather than simply repeating memorized responses. About 20 minutes Strengthening speaking skills Cambridge English B2 First Exam You can see what to expect in part two of the B2 First speaking test and how to improve your score. Take our free B2 speaking tests online with detailed explanations right now to boost your English communication skills and learn more many useful B2 speaking expressions. Make sure that you mention all of the prompts in the task. Candidates should expect to answer questions themselves, discuss with their partner and also comment on what their partners answers were. The questions cover a wide range of topics including where the examinee is from, their hobbies and interests, family life, music and film preferences Sep 12, 2023 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - FAQ B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. You will see a timer when answering the question so you know how long you have been speaking for. FCE speaking part 1 is a Q&A – a question and answer session with the examiner. Answer keys and tapescript: B2 First Listening Sample 1 answer key. First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Topics. Remember to answer the questions after each beep. About 20 minutes Strengthening speaking skills Cambridge English B2 First Exam 4. Dec 3, 2012 · The document provides sample questions and answers for a PET speaking exam related to topics like home and family, hobbies, personal experiences, and interests. Since we have already focused on all the other parts (FCE Speaking Part 2, Part 3 & Part 1), it is now time for me to provide a clear description of this part as well as a sample question/answer, so you get a better idea of what you will face when you’re doing this exam. Improve your English speaking skills and prepare for success! Nov 12, 2024 · This is because it is a cost-effective option that allows users to choose between online and offline exam options, making it more convenient and flexible than its competitors. Photo comparison. Share Cambridge B2 for Schools (FCE) - Speaking Part 1. Your answer should be around 15 seconds long, and will usually consist of two or three sentences. ANSWER THE QUESTION - There will be a question at the top of the photos which you must answer. You can see clearly in Answer 2 that the candidate tries to expand on their ideas and give more details. For better or worse, there are no helpful phrases or tricks for FCE Speaking Part 1, as this part tests your general ability to talk about familiar topics. These more abstract topics first appear in B2 exams like the First Certificate. Here are more example questions you might see in APTIS speaking part 1 of the exam: 1. Practice Question. Topics A Care for elderly people B Important inventions C Some festivals in your country I: (Hand over piece of paper and pen/pencil. Here's a list of questions from past First Certificate exams, Cambridge textbooks, and so on. Here are your pictures. Feb 19, 2023 · In this article, we will provide an overview of the different parts of the Speaking test, as well as real questions from past exams. Now, we’ll start with Part 1. By preparing answers to common questions, you can enter the exam feeling more confident and prepared. 10,000+ results for 'b1 speaking questions' Who & What Warm Up speaking prompt Speaking cards. Writing Exercises A1. This part typically takes 2 minutes and includes: A brief introduction by the Interlocutor. Check answers. Further down the page you will see three different Practise speaking with your classmates in live group classes, get speaking support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise speaking English by yourself at your own speed with a self-study course. Dec 18, 2024 · B2 First Speaking Exam Part 1 Format. When you answer ISE II conversation questions, remember that it is meant to be a 2 minute conversation, not a 2 minute monologue. B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Speaking cards. The examiners can understand you are trying to remember the answer and can take away points for that. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 – Format. For this lesson, you could find another student who also wants to practise and: • Ya has visto las 50 preguntas para el examen de speaking de B2 de Cambridge. Practice Test 4 B2 7 Public Speaking: Part 2 In Part 2 there are questions about 2 topics. Sep 12, 2023 · The examiner will ask you speaking questions (you will receive some material and a task to do). If you want more ISE II speaking materials, check these out. Common topics assessed are daily routine, interests, opinions and experiences. Y, ahora así, te propongo un reto. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 – Format. Please do not worry if you are interrupted during the test. FCE Speaking Part 1: Answering personal questions. You will need to express your opinion clearly and also listening carefully to what your partners opinion is and comment where appropriate. Use these questions to Feb 7, 2024 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - FAQ. Fce speaking part 3 is called the ‘collaborative task’ because the two candidates have to work together and have a discussion about a number of options, represented by photos or Practice for part 4 of the speaking paper by answering these eight questions. Candidates should practice speaking for this length of time so they’re comfortable and confident on the day of the exam. B2 First Speaking Test Part 1 Exercise 2 is set at an Upper Intermediate Level of English to practice for the B2 First Exam where the examiner asks question about yourself and your life. All questions in part for will be related to the topic from part 3 of the speaking paper. l. Speaking Strategy 1. If you have lived for a long time in an English-speaking country and have great communication skills in English, at an intermediate-advanced level, keep reading this article, it may interest you a lot. Exercise Number: FCE088. IELTS Speaking Part 1 lasts for 4-5 minutes. I basically wrote down one question to ask my partner, and that was it. Sample answers are in italics. Candidates need to pay careful attention to the question they are asked and make sure they answer it appropriately. This is the second of four videos about the speaking test of the FCE exam (now called the B2 First exam). The topics cover a range of issues including climate change, medicine, paranormal experiences, personal goals, language preservation, scientific breakthroughs, urban vs rural living, favorite media, role models, work-life balance, childhood memories, challenging sports, smart cities, diets Jan 12, 2024 · This includes your final answer sheet, the question paper and any notes which you made to plan or prepare your answer. Πώς γίνεται η προφορική εξέταση στο Speaking part του NOCN για το επίπεδο Β2 και πώς οι ΕΤΟΙΜΕΣ απαντήσεις στα SOS θέματα σε βοηθούν να περάσεις την εξέταση NOCN Lower Here are some more questions to practice the FCE Part 2 speaking exam. They include common icebreaker questions as well as more in-depth questions to elicit longer responses about interests, experiences and opinions on various subjects. OK, now that you know what’s going to happen in part one of your FCE speaking exam, and how to be more confident going in, let’s look at some sample questions and answers. Fluency and coherence are heavily emphasized in this portion of the speaking exam. I recommend continuing to compare and contrast the photos while answering the question. Ahora ¡practícalas cada día! Reto para mejorar la Parte 1 Speaking First de Cambridge. The questions are organized into topics such as daily life, education, travel, family, free time and sports. In this picture, I can see a girl who is doing a lesson online. Mar 6, 2016 · 40 Questions to Help You Prepare for the Speaking Test. A selection of English ESL speaking b2 printables. About IELTS Speaking Part 1. The interlocutor then asks Candidate B to compare the photographs and to answer a question related to them. In Part 1 of the Cambridge B2 First Speaking exam, the Interlocutor will ask you basic questions on familiar topics. You have to talk with the other candidate and make a decision. We’ll also look at sample questions and answers. The interlocutor leads the discussion by selecting from the questions below. As a result, I ended up spending almost all of my time on the presentation and had less than a minute for the part-two discussion. I’m going to ask you about your life. Adult education ESOL Questions. As you prepare you can see how much time you have from a timer on the screen. In part for of the speaking paper the examiner will ask the candidates questions that are related to the topic of part 3 so the questions will all be related to each other. The questions cover a range of topics including meeting new people, hobbies, media consumption, holidays, family, sports, climate change and addiction. The examiner will ask you questions about yourself and your life. by Lucieg1. This question only appears once on the test, so make it count! On test day, your answer to Duolingo "Speaking Sample" questions will be recorded on video and the recording will be sent with your scores to the universities you are applying to. This page explores the Speaking Part 1 section of the B2 First Certificate in English exam, providing valuable insights and tips for success. Each question carries equal marks. Jan 8, 2023 · On the other hand, if you provide very long answers, the Interlocutor may only ask you one question. Tell me about a film you have seen Oct 3, 2020 · Si te vas a presentar al examen de B2, ¡necesitas ver este vídeo! En él explico cómo aprobar el examen de speaking de Cambridge (aunque es útil para cualquie B2 First for Schools Speaking Part 2 (Long turn) Top tip! Find a study buddy to practise speaking with. Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. Candidates should practice answering questions clearly, confidently and giving reasons for their answer. FCE Paper 3: Listening This paper of fce exam tests different real-life skills, including listening for information, opinion or detail, and listening for the general meaning of the whole text. When doing the first part of the FCE Speaking test, you must really make an effort to answer concisely yet with a complete answer. You should repeat this exercise until you can confidently and naturally answer all the questions. You should try and answer each question in around 15 seconds. Part 1: Introduction and Interview. We take a look on this page at ways that can make your speaking performance better in Part 2 of the B2 speaking exam. The examiner will ask candidates to speak for 60 seconds answering a question about 2 pictures. Take into account that the examiners are expecting you to produce language which is appropriate to a B2 level (upper-intermediate) or above, so you must show what you know. Questions. Feb 11, 2016 · First Certificate Speaking Questions. Adult learners Intermediate B1/B2 Business English Speaking. I've organised them into topics, but sometimes one question could go in different sections. You should aim to spend around 2-3 minutes talking about all five prompts. I just spent a few hours going through all my FCE materials and typing out all the questions I could find from part 1 of the speaking test. Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'speaking b2 questions' Warm Here are some FCE part two speaking questions to get them ready for the FCE. B2 First Speaking: Part 1 (Interview) In the first part, the candidates talk individually to the Interlocutor. Choose the appropriate response for each question ; Reading. It may seem easier to practise speaking when you’re studying in a classroom with other students. Tener las preguntas únicamente no te va a ayudara a superar tu examen si no las practicas. DO NOT write down or memorise your Speaking NOCN B2 International ESOL Επίπεδο Β2 Lower. They show two types of technology; mobile phones and social In this article, I will focus on FCE Speaking Part 4, which is the last part of the B2 First Speaking test. Oct 29, 2024 · You can also write the answers in a notebook, in a digital document, or in the comments section below. Containing questions Get ready for the B2 First speaking test part 1 by learning how to respond effectively to the examiner's questions. In this part of the test, the interlocutor leads the discussion so candidates don’t need to worry about turn-taking. After two-minutes speaking, the recording stops PE Questions and answers - Quiz Quiz. English practice TEST Practice English Reading Tests for B2 – multiple choice – gapped text – multiple matching Jot down answers of 1 to 5 words ; Part 4: 6 multiple choice questions (each with 3 options) Task: • Listen twice to a discussion to identify gist, examples, fact, opinion, contrast, purpose, key ideas, attitude, cause and effect. 2. That means you should ask the examiner what they think. Jun 19, 2023 · In today's video I'm going to help you prepare for your FCE/B2 first speaking exam part 1. So this answer is much better-organised with a good number of linking words and examples to support their opinion. You can prepare and practise answering the exam questions, but avoid memorizing the answers. Rehearsed answers might also not be about the question asked, as there is considerable variety in questions, even though the range of topics is quite limited. Stress that in the Speaking test candidates will not be asked the same questions as the ones listed here. This document contains 50 speaking questions that could be asked in an English language exam. Part 1: 6 multiple choice questions (each with 3 the pictures and answer a question about them in about one minute and a half. You’ll be sitting in front of an examiner (yes, a real person –not an AI) who will guide the conversation and ask you questions to evaluate different aspects of your spoken English. Please tell me about your best friend. Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by speaking questions from the Here are five part 3 and part 4 B2 First (FCE) practice prompts and questions with tips for teachers and students. They answer questions about themselves. Practice Questions. It is also unlikely that they will be required to answer a question from each topic area. Speaking - Speaking. You will need to speak for sixty seconds uninterrupted about your photographs. To get a good mark, candidates need to avoid one word responses and extend their answers. B2 First Reading & Use of English Test Answer key. 9. . txt) or read online for free. APTIS Speaking Part 2: Example Answer for Questions #1 Describe this picture. Your response should be structured and be two minutes long. Passive voice - RM B2 9C Speaking. by Beatrice122. #1. They are from past exams, official Cambridge test preparation books, and so on. The examiner ask Simple past and past continuous questions - Second Conditional Questions - Interview questions - MEMORAMA WH-QUESTIONS - Sprechen B1/B2 - WH QUESTIONS A selection of practice questions, lessons, sample papers and tips to help candidates prepare for part 4 of the speaking paper in the B2 First (FCE) exam. You, of course, should think up your own answers. FCE Speaking Part 4 continues the discussion that you started in Part 3. In this blog, we have outlined the common Duolingo speaking topics and a few sample questions and answers to help structure your response. Optional extension: you could give or elicit more questions from the topic areas that your students Nov 9, 2024 · One of them asks all the questions and times the exam while the other person takes notes and marks your speaking. The examiner will ask you and your partner questions on the same topic. TO CANDIDATE A It’s your turn first. You will also have to answer a short question about your partner’s pictures. If you don't answer the "why", the examiner will ask you. Read as many samples as you can to get familiar with the type of speaking questions you are likely to encounter in your original IELTS test and get ideas about how to answer them. Community Speaking B2. Example of the type of activity you will be asked to do in B2 Part 2 (candidate A) Now, in this part of the test, you’re each going to talk about a topic for one minute, and also answer a short question about your partner’s topic. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 – Format. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. In part 2 there are questions about 2 topics. I actually feel like I did better on that part because my speaking felt more natural and spontaneous. h) The interlocutor asks Candidate B a question related to the theme of the photographs. While some of the language in the answers is quite simple, in the first answer the information is very limited. The discussion lasts for 4 minutes. ) There are THREE parts in the Speaking Test: some questions asking personal information, a monologue about two photographs, and an informal discussion with some questions related to this. Download the FCE Speaking Part 3 pictures pdf to print or use offline. B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples. Here is your card. Each question normally gets slightly more abstract and more difficult to answer. These will help you see what makes a good answer, and also review the tips and points we looked at earlier on in this Nov 25, 2018 · This document lists 20 potential speaking topics for a B2 level English exam preparation workshop. 1. Tell me about your country. Enjoy and do not forget to smile! :) Characteristics of the LanguageCert B2 Communicator Speaking exam (level B2). B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards - Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) - health speaking cards - Picture Questions A2. Adult learners B2 Upper-intermediate Cambridge B2 First Speaking. Focus on big picture ideas so you talk about both photos before the time runs out A support team is ready to answer any questions and provide solutions. Try and give clear reasons for you opinion in each case. Our tip is to be as natural as possible, and provide relevant answers. Example of First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 Part 4 – Discussion. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. Take turns choosing questions Say the answer then For this part, you have three questions, but you answer the questions in one response. You will have up to 40 seconds to answer each question. Speaking accounts for 20% of your overall mark in The questions always end in "why". Useful expressions are highlighted and explained at the end of each set. 4. Below is a typical question that you might see in the exam. Speaking Questions B2 - Free download as PDF File (. The IELTS Speaking Test is a face-to-face interview that lasts about 15 minutes. Generally, they will ask about 1 or 2 different topics. Sep 12, 2023 · (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - Format (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - Speaking Questions (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - FAQ (FCE) B2 First: Speaking – All Parts. A Quick Overview of the Duolingo English Test Speaking Cue Card Questions Example Speaking Cue Card Questions from the Actual Duolingo English Test 130+ Practice Duolingo English Test Speaking Cue Card Questions BONUS – 5 Helpful Tips to Ace the Speaking Cue Cards Questions BONUS – Sample/Example Speaking Cue Card Questions with Model B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards - Vocabulary 1 - B2 - Conversation Questions - Nazwy potraw - B2+ Speaking part 1 Questions answer the questions lol In this Part 2 speaking exercise candidates receive two photographs to talk about and a question to answer. Oct 13, 2023 · For "Speaking Sample" questions you will be given a prompt and will have up to 3 minutes to respond. CANDIDATE A. Part 1 of the FCE speaking exam is 2 minutes long. ubfg ididw onauxd hdtczr xwrov vnjgypys fivgbqv glmjh fpjff jqys nvemit iryyf qgm rrpysy hppkb