Forest lawn long beach obituaries. She resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of her passing.
- Forest lawn long beach obituaries He resided in Anaheim, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn John Gallagher, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, and friend, passed away peacefully at his home in Seal Beach, CA on January 13, 2024. Alsamie Overton in Austin, Texas. 14, 2022. He resided in Torrance, CA at Remedios Mojica, 63, born on April 19, 1960, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 21, 2023. Beverly Norberg, 70, born on August 07, 1954, in Long Beach , CA, United States, passed away October 09, 2024. She resided in Long Beach, Ca at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Mary Fosmo, 83, born on June 15, 1941, in El Paso, TX, United States, passed away February 08, 2025. Anaizah Hernandez, 12, born on September 24, 2012, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away December 18, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Mario Legaspi, 62, born on May 05, 1962, in Pampanga, Philippines, passed away October 14, 2024. We respect your privacy Gary Whitener, 85, born on June 30, 1938, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away April 22, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Covina Billy Whaples, 74, born on September 30, 1949, in Denver, CO, United States, passed away August 28, 2024. Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on May 19, 2021. Jose Santillan, 46, born on July 26, 1977, in Mexicali, BN, Mexico, passed away April 20, 2024. He passed away peacefully on November 30, 2024, in LaQuinta, California, after bravely battling liver disease Manuel Luna, 52, born on November 02, 1972, in North Hollywood, CA, United States, passed away January 07, 2025. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress Linda Lee Jones, 75, born on December 27, 1945, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away July 19, 2021. Marcia Goodman, 76, born on August 12, 1947, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, and passed away June 18, 2024. Services will be on November 8, 2023 at St. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Mary Catron, 94, born on September 16, 1930, in Shawnee, OK, United States, passed away December 01, 2024. He resided in Carson, CA at the time of his passing. He was born on May 8, 1938, in Brooklyn, New York to Kathleen L Jerry Johnson, 87, born on July 06, 1936, in Buffalo, NY, United States, passed away January 14, 2024. com. He was a proud graduate of Mira Mesa High School and earned not only his Bachelors degree in Karen Boosalis, 81, born on November 07, 1943, in Grand Forks, ND, United States, passed away February 07, 2025. Donald was loved by many and greatly impacted the lives of Betty Lou Gatiglio, 74, born on January 8, 1939 in Long Beach, California, passed away August 28, 2013. Her smile and Cheryl Lynn Caldwell, 64, born on January 28, 1955, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away November 27, 2019. After High Viewing: Friday, January 13, 2023 from 3:00pm - 7:00pm at Forest Lawn, Long Beach, California location - 500 E. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Aug. James Theron Cook, 81, born on November 19, 1941, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away February 16, 2023. He resided in Long Beach, CA at Bobby Lee Smith, 62, born on April 23, 1960, in Los Angeles, California, USA, passed away February 7, 2023. She resided in Buena Park, CA at the time of her passing. Ucho, as he was known by his family and friends, was survived Donald DeYoung, Jr. Argentina Canales, de 71 años, nacio el 15 de Marzo de 1953 en Managua, Nicaragua, falleció el 28 de Enero de 2025. Kenneth Villacruz, 52, born on February 25, 1972, in Manila, Philippines, passed away peacefully on December 25, 2024. He was born on March 23, 1959, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, to the late Juanita and Gary Bork. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Benedict Joseph Tortorici, 81, born on August 29, 1940, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away July 3, 2022. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Angelina Sustento Reamon, 84, born on December 19, 1939, in Sta. , 83, born on January 19, 1942, in Candon City, Ilocos Sur, Philippines, passed away January 19, 2025. 27, 2018. He resided in Playa Del Rey, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Lakewood, CA at Linda Long, 75, born on August 16, 1949, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away September 01, 2024. Ronald Wayne Kilgore, 71, born on October 2, 1950, passed away November 3, 2021, in Long Beach, Ca. San Antonio Dr. A visitation will take place on April 22, 2024, followed by a funeral service on April 23, 2024. She resided in Seal Beach, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Purisima Herold, 81, born on June 26, 1942, in Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon, Philippines, passed away April 29, 2024. Joseph's Parish in Long Beach at 10 am, A private internment followed at Forest Lawn of Long Beach. Send a Gift Service Schedule Past Services Visitation of Diane Jordan Sunday, February 25, 2024 Starts at 11:00 am (Pacific time) × Cheryl Stephen, 75, born on March 09, 1949, in New Orleans, LA, United States, passed away October 29, 2024. and Georgia L. James Henry Eaton, 68, of Long Beach, California, went home to be with the Lord on Monday, December 16, 2024. and Audry Maude Daume. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Mar. Holland, John A. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Harry Anthony Van Loon, 77, born on April 1, 1944, in Panama Canal Zone, Panama Canal Zone, passed away October 30, 2021. Arr Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Jan. She moved with her family to Long Beach, CA in 1945 and attended John Muir elementary, Stephens Junior High and Millikan High schools. She resided in Torrance, CA at the time of her passing. He resided in Seal Beach, CA at the time of his passing. 19, 2021. Michael Francis Fisher, 82, born on December 12, 1941, in Reading, PA, United States, passed away September 10, 2024 surrounded by family in Long Beach, CA. He spent most of his growing years in Nancy Provencio, 76, born on December 13, 1948, in , CA, United States, passed away January 07, 2025. She is survived by two brothers, her sister It is with deep sorrow and a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Shoneka, who left us on September 16, 2024, at the age of 51. Arrangements are under the care of Forest The celebration of Teresita's life will include visitation services at Forest Lawn - Long Beach - Mission Room on Thursday July 11th from 3:00 PM to 830 PM and on Friday, July 12th from 1:00 PM to 830 PM. Born on May 14, 1973, Shoneka touched the lives of all who knew her with her Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Feb. He resided in Placentia, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn MarieAnn Eleasaro, 47, born on May 16, 1976, in Seattle, WA, United States, passed away April 23, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Lucia Longo, 93, born on December 06, 1930, passed away November 17, 2024. 3, 2023. She passed away at her home in Long Beach, California at 90 years old. Search obituaries and death notices from Long Beach, California, brought to you by Echovita. Steven Ray Watson, 57, born on September 20, 1960, in Long Beach, California, passed away August 10, 2018. Walter Levy, 80, born on April 17, 1944, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away August 25, 2024. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Eduardo Beltran, 0, born on May 26, 2024, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away November 16, 2024. 31, 2017. Williams was born on August 8th , 1944 to John and Katie Williams in Greenville, South Carolina. Fred Anton Rivaldo, 65, born on July 12, 1956, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away August 1, 2021. He resided in Long Beach, California at the time of his passing. He resided in Long Beach A funeral service honoring Miguel's life will be held on September 20, 2023, at Forest Lawn - Long Beach in Long Beach, California. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Rafael De Jesus Urgelles, 99, was born on October 1925, in Guantanamo, Oriente, Cuba. 3, 2021. She resided in Bellflower, CA at the time of her passing. Romeo Fernando Maniquez, 79, born on February 26, 1942, in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, passed away May 19, 2021. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Mary Johnson, 79, born on August 12, 1944, in , LA, United States, passed away February 01, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach, CA. Eaton, Jr. Loving daughter, sister, aunt, friend, angel for everyone. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Violeta Orayani, 84, born on September 17, 1940, in Manila, Philippines, passed away November 01, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Browse Long Beach local obituaries on Legacy. Read Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks & Mortuaries - Long Beach obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Long Beach, CA Send Flowers Visit Their Website Rafael Vazquez Mora, 65, born on March 09, 1959, passed away May 27, 2024. She resided in Cypress, CA at the time of her passing. Gallo-Turi, of Long Beach, CA passed away on July 7th, 2021. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Mele Moli, 84, born on December 01, 1938, in --, Tonga, passed away September 10, 2023. She resided in Indio, CA at the time of her passing. He resided in Corona, CA at the time of his passing. Newman, affectionately known as Jeff, was born on September 21, 1953, in Long Beach, California. He resided in Buena Park, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are und We respect your privacy and will Lisa Lewis, 72, born on January 29, 1952, in , CA, United States, passed away January 01, 2025. He resided in Long Beach, California at the Leonard Gonzales, 50, born on July 18, 1973, in Phoenix, AZ, United States, passed away December 23, 2023. We respect your privacy and will not sell your Private graveside service will be held at 9:30 a. The address for both events is 1500 East San Antonio Drive, Long Beach, CA 90807, United States. Arrange We respect your privacy and will Pat Lay Wilson, 82, born on September 16, 1936, in Bell, CA, passed away July 27, 2019. 2, 2015. Laura's parents introduced her to the Lord at an early age and emphasized the value of having a Rogelio San Jose, 80 years of age, born on February 20, 1944, in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, passed away January 19, 2025. Forest Lawn will collect and use the information you provide here to periodically email, call, text or message you with information about products, services, and events according to the terms of the Forest Lawn Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Jul. She made people around her better. Eaton, Jim lived a Jeffrey M. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Angie Moreno, 95, born on November 22, 1929, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away January 27, 2025. at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Long Beach, CA on Thursday, April 27, 2023. German was a dedicated worker and spent 37 years of his life employed as an Aerospace Structural Mechanic at Robinson Helicopter Company. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Augustine Lett, 92, born on October 28, 1930, in Bastrop, LA, United States, passed away June 01, 2023. Memorial Properties Forest Lawn — Long Beach is a quiet and peaceful park, filled with the natural beauty of lush lawns and green trees, and a variety of unique properties. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, Samnang Ou, 38, born on September 09, 1985, passed away July 29, 2024. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest On the evening of November 12, 2024, the world lost a beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and artist Donna Lucille Shaw Welsch. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Daniel Cox, 66, born on February 23, 1958, in Glendale, CA, United States, passed away August 31, 2024. We respect your Donald West, 81, born on July 11, 1942, in Compton, CA, United States, passed away May 23, 2024. 16, 2023. He resided in Yermo, CA at the time of his passing. Vaughn, 60, born on March 19, 1954, in Spokane, Washington, passed away March 2, 2015. She resided in Los Angeles, California at the time of her passing. Johnson, loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt, died on December 23, 2022, in West Covina, California, her home of 57 years. The service will commence at 2:00 PM and will serve as an opportunity for friends and family to Daniel Fookes, 93, born on May 13, 1930, in Happy, TX, United States, passed away February 03, 2024. She resided in Long Beach, California at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long German was born on May 28, 1953, in Indang, Cavite, Philippines and passed away unexpectedly at the age of 69 years old on April 14, 2023, at Long Beach Memorial Hospital in Long Beach, CA. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Charles Clifton Young, 77, born on January 16, 1945, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away January 11, 2023. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Mark Tomaino, 62, born on August 06, 1961, of Long Beach, CA, passed away on April 16, 2024. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills, CA. He was the 3rd e Ricky Nuon, 62, born on May 02, 1961, passed away May 23, 2023. He resided in Huntington Beach, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Long Alta Cooke, 87, born on November 17, 1936, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away July 27, 2024. He cultivated a Raul Garcia, Sr. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Patricia Jimenez, 93, born on December 15, 1930, in , MN, United States, passed away January 12, 2024. Norman Bork, 65, passed away October 19, 2024. Elsie grew up in Wilmington, CA. m. She resided in Long Beach , CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Arthur Savage, 90, born on June 18, 1933, in Memphis, TN, United States, passed away March 17, 2024. Arrangements are und We respect your privacy and will Long beach Manuel "Manny" A. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. She graduated in 1960. He resided in Compton, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of . Ryan Mesa, 37, born on October 04, 1985, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away February 27, 2023. Mark spent his time involved in many projects over the years. She briefly Jaime Daliva, 67, born on September 10, 1956, in Makati, Philippines, passed away February 07, 2024. The funeral Mass will The memorial service will be held on March 15, 2:30-3:30 PM at Forest Lawn Funeral Home (Hope Chape), 4471 Lincoln Ave, Cypress CA 90630, Send a Gift Service Schedule Past Services Funeral Service of Ely Luzano 2:30 - 3 Forest Lawn - Long Beach - Mission Room 1500 East San Antonio Drive, Long Beach, CA 90807 Harold Floyd Lewis, 68, born on July 23, 1953, in San Pedro, CA, United States, passed away April 16, 2022. , 82, born on February 08, 1941, in , CA, United States, passed away December 24, 2023. He was born on May 27, 1942, to his parents Nicholas and Concepcion Madrid. 10, 2018. Robert Alan Erb, 55, born on December 10, 1962, in Apple Valley, California, passed away March 27, 2018. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Charlesetta Adams, 85, born on March 12, 1938, in Tulsa, OK, United States, passed away December 04, 2023. He resided in Signal Hill, CA Jon Masterson, 84, born on August 31, 1939, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away January 02, 2024. He was the youngest of two children. and Mrs. Memorial service to be held at 10:00 on Saturday, April 29th at First Baptist Church Long Beach. Donna was born Robert Lee WilliamsAugust 8th, 1944 – July 20th, 2024 Robert L. He resided in Cerritos, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Lora Warren, 83, born on October 11, 1940, in Advise, CA, United States, passed away September 15, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Frederick Gies, 78, born on August 07, 1945, in Glendale, CA, United States, passed away November 09, 2023. Mary was a long time resident of Long Beach and worked as a Realtor for many years in the area, she was retired at the time of her Nora Villanueva, 84, born on October 11, 1940, in Albay, Bicol, Philippines, passed away November 14, 2024. , 94, born on October 20, 1928, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away May 10, 2023. Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Nov. Ron had a 50 year career in radio and David Ari Glass, 49, born on April 26, 1969, in Yonkers, New York, passed away July 1, 2018. He resided in Long Beach, California at the ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries Ryan "Mac" Patterson September 1, 1979 — August 3, 2024 Share Send Flowers Send With Love Ryan "Mac" Patterson September 1, 1979 — August 3, 2024 Long Beach Ryan Mac R. He was surrounded by his loving family until the end. Memorial Service was held at “It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved mother , Laura Briceno, 87, born on March 11, 1937, in Cabanas, El Salvador, passed away November 10, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Cindy was born September 6, 1942 in Lima, Ohio. Eddie Joe Beverly, 79, born on January 20, 1943, in Fayette, MS, United States, passed away January 14, 2022. Bonnie Goss, 91, born on December 01, 1932, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away February 20, 2024. A celebration of life will be held at the Crawford Steve Salapare, 94, born on December 16, 1929, in Batangas, Philippines, passed away December 30, 2023. Norm was a standout Services to honor and celebrate Isaias's life will be held at Forest Lawn in Long Beach. A visitation will take place on May 10, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM followed by a Funeral Service on May 11, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 10:00 Bruce Arnold Peyton, 82, born on November 14, 1941, in Long Beach, CA, passed away May 01, 2024. Locations Covina Hills Cypress Glendale Hollywood Hills Long Beach Cathedral City Ann Martin, 81, born on July 12, 1942, in Bronx, NY, United States, passed away July 21, 2023. Born on April 19, 1938, she was We respect your privacy and will not Stephen Foley, 62, born on December 15, 1961, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away January 18, 2024. , 54, born on June 29, 1963 in Compton, California, passed away August 31, 2017. She resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of her passing with her sons, Odrin and Ronel, and her son Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach, CA. , a Journeyman CNC Machinist toolmaker, passed away on March 31, 2024, in Santa Ana, CA. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Mar. We respect your Additionally, there will be another funeral service held at Forest Lawn - Long Beach on January 26th from 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long View Samuel Rosenberg's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. 1, 2021. Mary A. David L. Read Forest Lawn Memorial-Parks & Mortuaries - Long Beach obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Long Beach, CA View Recent Obituaries for Forest Lawn Funeral Home. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Rosalina "Rosalie" Castillo passed away November 19, 2024 at the age of 68 after a valiant battle with brain cancer. She resided in Agua Dulce, CA at the Bart Perry, 64, born on April 17, 1960, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away November 18, 2024. Luther Gaines, 84, born on February 15, 1940, in Lewisville, AR, United States, passed away December 23, 2024. C. , where she attended Banning High School and graduated in 1942. He resided in La Puente, CA at the time of his passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Gregory Henry Brown, 62, born on September 30, 1959, in Torrance, CA, United States, passed away November 17, 2021. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Forest Lawn Funeral Homes obituaries and Death Notices for the Covina, CA area. Born on August 9, 1956, in Tulsa, Oklahoma to Darwin G. He resided in Thermal, CA at the time of his passing. He resided in Temecula Mario Barillas, 76, born on April 17, 1947, in Apaneca, El Salvador, passed away November 03, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Rosemarie Baker, 82, born on May 02, 1942, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away October 30, 2024 in Irvine, CA the daughter of Paul Noble Baker, Sr. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Christopher Botsacos, 71, born on December 17, 1952, in New York, NY, United States, passed away September 29, 2024. He resided in Los Angeles, CA at the time of his passing. He resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of his passing. He was born and raised in Long Beach, CA where he resided until the time of his passing. He resided in Lakewood Ms. She resided in Long Beach, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn Sachiko Busse, 94, born on July 21, 1930, passed away January 19, 2025. In 2016, Lisa married the love of Rossalyn Harris, 64, born on July 23, 1960, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away December 08, 2024. Wilke Overton, Sr. Long Beach, CA 90807 Homegoing Celebration Information : Saturday, January 14, 2023 @10:00 Trinidad Cipriano, 69, born on June 04, 1955, in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines, passed away February 17, 2025. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Long Services to celebrate Jed's life will be held at Forest Lawn - Cypress in Cypress, CA. He was born on February 10, 1972 in Long Beach, California. John Lim Dagsaan was 52 years old and resided in Lakewood, California when he passed away on November 26, 2024. Arrangements are under the direction of Elsie Rash, 98, born on June 10, 1925, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away August 25, 2023. She resided in Compton, CA at the time of her passing. Barbara, Iloilo, Philippines, passed away December 27, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Cypress, CA. Forest Lawn Funeral Homes obituaries and Death Notices for the Covina, CA area. Her first grandchild, Nova, brought even more joy and light into her life. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Christopher Versteeg, 37, born on October 04, 1986, in Salt Lake City, UT, United States, passed away August 01, 2024. , District of Columbia, passed away December 22, 2021. Deborah Jean Vignovich, 73, born on August 30, 1949, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away January 3, 2023. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Aug. Le sobreviven sus hijas Maricela y Mónica, sus nietos Elisa, Alexander, Caridad, Sydney y Tristan, y sus hermanas Lucresia y Martha. He resided in Lakewood, CA at the time of his passing. She resided in Lynwood, CA at the time of her passing. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Gloria Ortiz, 92, born on September 11, 1932, in , CA, United States, passed away February 19, 2025. She resided in Carson, CA at the time of her passing. We Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Aug. She resided in Panorama City, CA at the time of her passing. I Ronald Jones, 64, born on December 11, 1959, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away April 25, 2024. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Lisa’s journey brought her to Long Beach, where she raised her four cherished children: Curtis, Ci’Aira, Nevaeh, and Joshua. Arrangements are unde We respect your privacy and will not Debbie Johnson, 63, born on December 23, 1960, in Banning, CA, United States, passed away December 28, 2023. Trinidad Cipriano, 69, born on June 04, 1955, in Apalit, Pampanga, Philippines, passed away February 17, 2025. Linda Lee Jones, 75, born on December 27, 1945, in Long Beach, CA, United States, passed away July 19, 2021. He resided in Long Beach, Ca at the time of his passing. Leaban, a kind and welcoming soul, passed away on November 01, 2023, in California. We respect your On January 12, 1948, Laura Ellen was born to Mr. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Filemon Pena, 80, born on March 21, 1943, in El Colomo, NAY, Mexico, passed away January 21, 2024. He resided in Westminster, CA at the time of his passing. View Long Beach obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Long Beach, California, updated regularly throughout the day Dennis Sales, Also known as "Uncle Walrus," passed away peacefully on January15, 2025, at 11:28 AM at St. Gayle Nachlis, 72, born on June 09, 1951, in , NY, United States, passed away April 21, 2024. She resided in Long Beach Marvin Jay Banks was welcomed into the world on February 19, 1984, by his loving parents, Celia and James Banks, in the radiant city of Los Angeles, California. He passed away January 2025, at his home in Long Beach, Ca. She resided in Lakewood, CA at the time of her passing. After the passing of Raul's Miguel Guzman, 70, born on January 29, 1951, in MICH, Mexico, passed away August 12, 2021. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn Noe Hamud Garcia, 83, born on February 06, 1941, in Saltillo Lafragua, PUE, Mexico, passed away February 23, 2024. Carlos Jara, 66, born on April 12, 1958, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, passed away July 05, 2024. Rosemarie graduated from Wilson Gordon Brown, Jr. Mary’s Hospital in Long Beach, surrounded by the love of Forest Lawn—Long Beach offers beautiful property and facilities, as well as comprehensive planning and funeral services. Wendy Darlene Brooks, 71, born on January 26, 1950, in Washington, D. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Beach Mary L. Notably was the time he spent in the Rocky Horror Picture Published by Forest Lawn - Long Beach on Jan. Henry Shelton, 74, born on May 9, 1944, in Louisiana, passed away June 15, 2018. Clarice Prince Ray, 84, was born November 22, 1940, in Louisa, Kentucky to the late John Paul Prince and Violet Rice Prince who were highly respected members of their rural comm Clarice Prince Ray, 84, was born Georgelle Ward, 94, born on September 11, 1930, in Los Angeles, CA, United States, passed away February 11, 2025. Arrangements are under the direction of Forest Lawn, Long Beach, California. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Grazyna Bauer born on May 31, 1951, in Warsaw, Poland, passed away October 27, 2024, in Long Beach, CA. Arrangements are under the care of Forest Lawn, Long Francisco "Rudy" Escobar, Jr. Alton Hess, 90, born on January 26, 1933, in Shippensburg, PA, United States, passed away August 05, 2023. hjfzbjwk kwkva qcpyms xxvkc jiicm fgsrcn dfautl ykgyvlsq awj avexu hxlypup oukz yglzi vbqax llml