Nextcloud reset admin password. Ask another Nextcloud server admin to reset it for you.
Nextcloud reset admin password 0 Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 17. Is there any way to retrieve it? Thanks. Unfortunately when you change password in Nextcloud directly, Nextcloud does not notify Plesk about password changes, and/or passing the password elsewhere. how can i change it? thx martin. 4 After updating Nextcloud to the latest version, I noticed that the admin cannot change the password for a user in the WebGUI. Nextcloud community I'm not getting an Resetting a user password . PHP version (eg, 7. Which password? NC or NCP Use ncp-config or ncp-web >CONFIG> nc-admin : Change the current password for the Nextcloud admin user. I’ve tried multiple times. s. Reset it? message after a user enters an incorrect password, and then Nextcloud automatically resets their password. Resetting the password did not solve the problem. I can’t say for sure that this is related to the update, because I did it to solve another problem (E2E To reset password for a user, login to SSH, go to DocumentRoot for the web site. I use the admin [panel, and edit the users details. Trying to do any admin tasks (change password, add a group) prompts for a password. The Nextcloud login screen displays a Wrong password. 3 NC: 29. The only strange thing is, when I want to reset my password, the link i get is just a http link that is the first strang [details=“Postgresql user password lost”] Hello Everybody, I am running a Nextcloud 17 VM using Postgresql database. Please contact your administrator. But cannot remember my web account password. Except where otherwise noted, $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin. com/server/latest/admin I still have a use case for this: in our church I don’t like to give everyone (900 members) access to nextcloud so I was planning to make 1 account available that can be used by ~500 or more users as a read only account for looking and importaing the general calendar (ical) and look at files etc. 25): replace me PHP version (eg, 7. Support intro Nextcloud version (eg, 12. This is a linux command (and www-data the webserver user in debian/ubuntu), I had problems using it like that in FreeBSD. But I couldn’t help you any further with it, because I have the intension that you never thought about creating Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. 4. However, I’m on a synology where you must run code through a scheduled task and there is no additional input allowed except for the command that you give. I tried to run the command i found in the documentation: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin. In case the admin changes the password, he does not (and in general must not) know the old password. Reload to refresh your session. Hello, PHP 8. Unfortunately I haven’t found a solution yet. 04): Linux 5. Now I need it to set up a backup script so I need to know the related password. but for accessing the administration panel it is still What happens during a password change? In case of the user itself, he can change the password and the encryption key’s password is changed as well (because he knows the old password). Went to login today and it keeps telling me my password is incorrect. Then run. leigh January 9, 2021, 5:47pm 4. Hi, is it possible to reset/change/remove generated App Passwords for an user in case of abuse? Successfully reset password for USERNAME I dont know if it also will reset the app passwords but you could try it. Fortunately, there is the "occ" tool for Nextcloud, with which the password can be reset. tried using the termial on docker to reset the You signed in with another tab or window. We will do the whole thing by issuing a simple command. Reset NextCloud administrator password . The only user on the box is admin and thats the account I am logged in as, so thats the password I enter. Nextcloud Box version 9. Hi, I have a strange situation that my nextcloud instance is working fine behind a reverse proxy. Aftet few trying i got info: Couldn’t send reset email. Unfortunately when I click “confirm”, it simply reverts to an empty box suggesting I try another password. AD password change or reset failure¶. This works only if you have entered your email address on your Personal page in the ownCloud Web interface, so that the ownCloud server can email a reset link to you. Installation on a virtual machine. In the docu the option is also greyed out but disabled. Alternatively It would be nice to have nextcloud be the first / only account for the user which then set an easy password that must change at first login with a good password policy it will allow you to put all other accounts This app enables the the admin to define certain rules for passwords, for example the minimum length of a password. It has the same issue if i try and add an addon, However i About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy) 9000/tcp nextcloud-aio-nextcloud 6a03760d823f nextcloud/aio-imaginary:latest "/start. Set up nextcloud yesterday on unraid and set myself up as the admin. Did some quick googling and found the command to reset the password: sudo -u user php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword user but when I run the comment using my Hello. → occ Commands. Home / Forums / Support / TurnKey NextCloud admin password not working? We have Nextcloud, part of lxc containers. This has happened for all passwords in the account, including webmail. a password expiration period Hi, i got a docker nextcloud when i try to reset a password for user admin using “php occ user:resetpassword” it tell me “Successfully reset password” but when i try to login using the new password it doesn’t work !!, any ideas what might be the problem? I’m using docker container with postgres, and attaching the volume /var/www/html to my local folder. But I can’t login after the first start. Nextcloud is correctly sending all e-mails like those test e-mails, e-mails for new account creation, or for Suspicious IP connection, The only thing that is not working is when users using the “Forgotten password” feature they do not receive an e-mail to reset their password. 2. If the Full Name is not set it defaults to the login name. Click on nextcloud and click on shell. I also use the ldap-integration together with openldap. If you only want to disable the I have a problem that user on my cloud can not change their password by getting link via email. To reset an account called admin (if you project folder is in a different directory than /var/www adjust path to suit) Run this command: $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the new password: Successfully reset password for admin Thanks a lot, I did it! But I didn’t understand why I can’t access https://nextcloudpi. Posted on 22 September 2020 by Linux. The user’s display name that appears on file shares, the Nextcloud Web interface, and emails. kyrofa January 9, 2021, 3:40pm 3. Follow the steps and examples for different HTTP users How can I fix this? https://docs. com/server/15/admin_manual/configuration_user/reset_admin_password. Admins and users may change the Full Name anytime. Could someone suggest a way to reset the settings? Note: this is part of a subdomain and placed under the lamp server container. sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin After that you can reset the nextcloud password via command line: sudo nextcloud. am not recieveing the password reset email and cannot access admin console The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging: PASTE HERE The output of your config. But if a user wants to change their password, Nextcloud just says ‘Wrong password’ in a red square box and the password isn’t changed. I activated end-to-end encryption some time ago, then deactivated it again and can no longer find my keys. However as you are not 100% sure on the Resetting a user password . Environ: RasPi 3 B+ With NCP docker-compose install (stable for some months) NC Config NCP Info Issue: After some erroneous database changes (yeah OK I know!) (see this post for bg) I keepo finding that NC cannot start due to $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the new password: Successfully reset password for admin If your Nextcloud username is not admin, then substitute your Nextcloud username. They recently move servers and upgraded cPanel. sh" About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy) nextcloud-aio-imaginary 434c50b18384 nextcloud/aio-redis:latest "/start. 04 server. The user is able to login into php ldap admin with his credentials You signed in with another tab or window. Go back to Plugins and click START. 0-155-generic x86_64 Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2. I have tried verious of things I found on the internet with no success. nextcloud. when you open the Passwords app on the Iphone or you open the Passwords tab on top in your personal account in the browser, you must enter the password. There is a solution: In the configuration file nextcloud. 61 PHP: 8. Turris is developed by CZ. 5 Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 17. Closed jmartin17 opened this issue Oct 28, 2016 · 15 comments Closed Nextcloud Box version 9. I’ve been searching google for an answer and found this from ownCloud: $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/owncloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the new password: Successfully reset password for admin. nextcloud 15. If neither of these is an option, then you have a third option, and that is using the occ command. He can change the login but not update the encrypted keys Nextcloud version (eg, 20. Hi, I have NC set up on some shared hosting. I am using NC 22. mx_ulrich March 15, 2017, 11:45am 1. The new password is not saved and the old one is not reset. com where </details> Resetting a user password . ncc user:resetpassword admin will just reset the admin pw on NextCloud. But nextcloud generates a wrong link to the page where changed my admin password with ncp-config but cannot login to the web interface with this password. Ask another Nextcloud server admin to reset it for you. No, I just want to change the password that I access the RPi with core and Nextcloud snap on it via SSH Ah! now I get it (I It works also on nextcloud 11 but this will remove the change password box to all users, including users of the admin grup. So I tried. Searching the Nextcloud-forums I found out that generally the following bash-command is able to reset the Admin password: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin. Now I would like to encrypt my entire account end-to-end, but without the old key from back then, I am no longer offered the option of Nextcloud version: Nextcloud Hub 8 (29. a password history. Example: sudo -u nobody php-cli /srv/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the new password: Successfully reset password for admin. I decided to reinstall OMV. 25): Nginx 1. Read this but it think it does not help you. However, if you are using a read-only authentication backend such as LDAP or Active Directory, this will not work. Hello, I just got done setting up a Nextcloud 11 installation running on Debian 8. 000. For completion, in case anyone else finds this thread off the back of searching “SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘ncadmin’@‘localhost’” my case was caused by different issue (this is on a NextCloudPi Docker-compose install on RasPi B+) Nextcloud version _26. com is for home/non-enterprise users. 0 PHP version: 7. Use OCC sudo -u www-data php occ user:resetpassword YOUR-USERNAME Hi Since this morning I can’t log-in as admin to my nextcloud dashboard, password is no accepted. 5): Nextcloud 20. Indeed when I check on a computer where the session is still logged, I can see that the Resetting a user password . p. The app passwords in the Devices and sessions panel are not working. The method below doesn’t work. Thanks in advance to the community GitMate. Learn how to use the OCC tool to reset your NextCloud Admin password from the server terminal if you forgot it. tflidd: sudo nextcloud. 5 Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20. sudo -u www And I am NOT talking about NextCloud admin password. The following guide describes how to reset the password to the nextcloud administration panel if you forget it and the password reminder via e-mail does not work. DB: The passwords are Ok, so just to make sure I repeated the process, copying and pasting the line into my SSH session, changing only the admin. 6 Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2. 7 PHP version: php7. I am logged in as an admin, and I am trying to perform the following, in accordance with Next Cloud’s instructions: –Hover your cursor over the user’s Password field. Go to Jails from the left side panel. Server configuration Operating system: Linux Web server: unknown Database: mysql 5. php regarding this. local:4443/ What is this address for? Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. Now when I try to log in it doesn’t recognise my password. If neither of these is an option, then you have a third option, Anyhow, i wanted to reset the password. Nextcloud version: 18. Luckily - as i thought - I copy pasted the initial admin and its long default password in to a blank text file. So now I can’t remember the admin password for Rainloop. And I cannot find anything useful about it either. Hi, I have installed the NextCloudPI and skipped the password change option in the wizard at the beginning. The password in the oc_users table of the NC database is hashed with argon2, hence Plesk cannot decrypt it. Default is 10 characters. But for now, how do I change the admin account ('bryan' in my case) password via the ubuntu command line? The instructions I found online don't seem to work for the snap version of Nextcloud. I’m hoping I can reset the admin Nextcloud password from the command line and I’m looking to see if anyone else has done this. How can I contact administrator? If you have somehow lost the passphrase that is used for the AIO interface, you can reobtain it by running sudo docker exec nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer grep password /mnt/docker-aio-config/data/c User password policy A password policy is a set of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords and use them properly. Another user suggests writing out the full path to php in the command. A user locked himself out of his Nextcloud installation by changing his password and asked for help on the community forum. When I want to connect, I enter admin and my password, but it tells me that the logins are not working? What is the default login ? Thank you for your reply. by the Servus Community, System: Debian 11 Apache: 2. is it safe to change the password for user postgres (e. It has been a while since we used backup codes and now we have gotten logged/locked out after we activated the two-way authentication. 53 Lost Admin password cannot reset #120. o. 04 I am having issues to reset user accounts password. I signed out and cannot get a reset email. Follow the steps and examples in this official documentation page. So I tried a suggested password and it was not working either. php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any Nextcloud community Admin task: reset app passwords. Anyhow, i wanted to reset the password. . As below: pi@nextcloudpi:~ $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword ncpEnter a new password:Confirm the new password:Successfully reset password for ncppi@nextcloudpi:~ $ I have reloaded the virtual machine image from the original I downloaded and it still doesn’t ask me to create a password very strange! followed the link you gave and tried the password reset command but this errors with something about docker not found, I am not using docker I am using Virtual machine so that may be why I am guessing Hi there, I installed the Passwords app on the Iphone and set a password to access this Passwords app. 4 with msmtp to send e-mails. If you’re running a business, paid support can be accessed via portal. 04): SMP Debian 5. It does not work. The only user on the box is admin and thats the account I am logged in as, so thats A user asks how to reset the admin password for Nextcloud server installed from Ubuntu startup. He got suggestions to restore his database, run the Resetting a user password The Nextcloud login screen displays a Wrong password. I tried this a few months ago with another user, and it took many, many attempts before something finally worked. io thinks possibly related issues are #4088 (after fresh install change of admin password and adding new user not possible), #1874 (Changing password doesn't work for non-admin users), #1261 (force password change for all users by admin), #8356 (Unable to change forgotten password), and #2289 (Admin can't create new user). Email address Which worked! My new problem is it wants me to reset the password and I don't know what email it's sending the reset to *password information instructions* Now you need to find out the username and password to your nextcloud account. Log in to ssh preferably at the Hi team, I am the only use/admin on my own Nextcloud. Reset a user’s password; Renaming a user; Granting administrator privileges to a user; Managing groups; Setting Storage quotas; Disable and enable users; Deleting users; Resetting a lost admin password; Resetting a user password; User password policy; Two-factor authentication. The output of your Nextcloud log in Admin > Logging:N/A - it works as expected - I just need to know how to properly make use of encryption and password reset. The output of your config. 31 Hi there, I was smart enough to lock myself out of my own Nextcloud installation by changing my password. All reactions. 📦 Appliances (Docker, Snappy, VM, NCP, AIO) farfromrefug September 29, 2018, 8:06am 1. When you try to modify your admin password the UI behavior is strange. 2): 15. Nextcloud log is not Opening a new thread here as my previous posts have been tagged onto existing (and solved) threads (some in wrong section). In order to help you as quickly as possible, before clicking Create Topic please provide as much of the Afterwards I wasn’t either able to change the admin password nor to add a new user. through the web UI; however that means that they can change as well the If you have lost your NextCloud password, resetting it is quite easy. Steps to replicate it: Try to login; Click “forgot password” link; Click link in the password reset email; Enter new password; Click reset password button; The output Resetting a user password . 1. nginx/php8 !!THERE IS NO SSL!! Because this server is behind the proxy manager. Unlucky me, the sudo command cannot be used in the Docker bash. I couldn’t work out where to post. If you are using Active Directory (AD) as user backend, and see that the password reset feature or password changing feature does not work despite activation in the configuration, this article explains how to resolve this issue. Sorry I posted this in the wrong section. ℹ️ Support. 1 Like. The password for the “ncp” user is changed for the NC web frontend to access the files etc. cli:$ sudo docker exec -it nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer bash Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. I’ve enabled the option to let Nextcloud-users to change their password. 3) Operating system and version: docker container with image nextcloud on ubuntu The issue you are facing: In the admin panel under sharing I cannot disable I also cannot find any settings in config. See Using the occ command to learn more about using the occ command. conf, disable fastcgi_param HTTPS. e. Ok so I ran locate php and found it is in the /var/run directory so I ran the 2nd command I posted after entering the /var/run directory and it asked me for a new password. I just installed Ubuntu server and Nextcloud, but i misspelled my password and now i cannot access it (it contains no files though). I tried to run the command i found in the documentation: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin so i ran this command: sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword bro [sudo] password for bro: Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. OliverV October 16, 2020, 9:58am 29. By default the app enforces a minimum password length of 8 characters and checks every password against the 1. Hi, I can ssh into my docker snap and do the above. I am installed Nextcloud on my android and pc. You switched accounts on another tab or window. I’d try NextCloud Box reset admin password. I want to reset. I am logged in on my smartphone. 10snap3 15128 stable snap on Ubuntu 18. How can I reset the admin password? $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin sudo: php: command But now I face the problem that I have lost the Administratorpassword for the nextcloud. THX for your help Stefan Reset your NextCloud administrator password from the ssh console. You can check who is the owner of the files and folders within The Nextcloud Subscription Portal. Is there a way to exclude users of the admin group? Thank you. Password. Sorry to hear you’re facing problems . Also perhaps your second user is in the admin group and can use administration (apps, users, configuration, ) Also you can set the password in terminal with occ. Hello Nextcloud Support Team, I bought the NextCloud VM for Hyper-V from Hanssonit. Hi, I have downloaded TurnKey NextCloud Appliance and during installation I choose my password for Nexcloud admin. html. And then reset DietPi global default password as well via dietpi-config > Security Options > Change Passwords Select cancel when being asked if you want to change the UNIX user passwords, since this would affect root user login. So, I would recommend to ask the support to reset the admin password. The admin sets the new user’s first password. And now i can’t login in via PC. In the security-section of your administrator-settings you can configure. Is there a way to change this password in a file or database, or add To reset the admin password of a nextcloud installed using the snap package, run sudo nextcloud. And I forgot this password!!! How to restore it? sudo -u www-data. This can be done on NextCloud | If you ever forget your admin password, hopefully, you have someone else who is an administrator that can reset it for you. 04): CentOS 7. If that is not an option, then the worst-case scenario is that you can log into the server that is hosting your NextCloud and reset the password via the command line with the occ command. g. occ user:resetpassword username. It is on shared hosting so I can’t run a command at that level. I m trying to reset a password but I don’t get a mail. But i i think you have no access. Same by using a browser and the app login. If neither of these is an Clicking the password reset button on the password reset form after following the link in the email does nothing at all. 000 most common passwords. Reset it? message after a user enters an incorrect password, and then Nextcloud automatically resets Trying to do any admin tasks (change password, add a group) prompts for a password. Hello ive been trying to change the lost admin password for my nextcloud. occ user:resetpassword username Now, if after the update occ still doesn’t work correctly, then let me know. I trie’d the credentials user: ncadmin, pass: nextcloud but it doesn’t work. 2-1ubuntu2. Nextcloud Admin Password . 1): 7. Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? Yes. JasonBayton October 23, 2016, 1:10pm 3. This is the folder where you uploaded NextCloud files. Both the user and the admin can change the user’s password at anytime. If that is not an option, then the worst Learn how to recover a lost admin password for Nextcloud server using the password reset link, another admin, or the occ command. I created a new app password, the android nextcloud app responds with incorrect credentials. I used it like that: su -m www -c 'php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin' www is the default user in FreeBSD, not sure in FreeNAS, could be the same. Now I have the problem (beside some others in my other posts) that I cannot change the “ncp” password for the panel. 6 Jessie and it went fine, Until i got to the point where i am now in the web interface to setup a couple of user accounts and no matter how many times i put in my admin password it keeps asking for it as shown in this image. Follow the steps and commands for different Linux A Docker Nextcloud environment was created, but unfortunately the admin password can no longer be found. Database username is postgres, I lost the password generated for user postgres at install time. 4): 8. I didn’t made any changes, no update or anything. 6. Ask another ownCloud server admin to reset it for you. Im running a nextcloud instance on my ubuntu 20. Indeed, i had few problems that I was able to handle (the USB with the OS died when I away). Is Hello, I am trying to modify my admin password and found that it is particularly hard to understand what I should do. Resetting a user password . I cant reset the password since I never provided the system with my E-Mail (nor logged in before). I do not receive an email from “forgot my password”, even though I entered the information before logging out. php file in /path/to/nextcloud (make sure you remove any identifiable information!): PASTE HERE The output of your Apache/nginx/system log in /var/log/____: PASTE HERE PASTE I would like to completely reset my user account. 3. 7. Must be: fastcgi_param HTTPS off; I deployed docker AIO and opened port 80:80 and 443:443 in router firewall and map to internal ip but after downloading container i get to login screen and ask user and password that i didnt setup during install process. a minimal length of a password. The first start ends in a login. you want to be able to SSH in with a password instead of a key? I’m not sure I’d recommend that, the key is generally more secure. so i ran this command: Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. 3 The issue you are facing: I forgot my admin user password and cannot reset it (I don’t receive the email). Groups Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. I still have full access to my data, I only encrypted one folder at the time. I then add the new password and save. 10 Hello, I am trying to reset my admin password. Thanks Bryan That work around is ok for some but it really is a work around making you depend on a external account to be already setup a user properly . 2): 16. I get the same Hi, I’m using Nextcloud 11 (stable). I forgot the password for my account (it is admin account) I cannot reset the password (no email is coming) How can I reset my password with docker desktop on windows? Thanks all! <details><summary>Support intro</summary>Sorry to hear you’re facing problems :slightly_frowning_face: help. Login as the root user via SSH. sh" About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy) 6379/tcp nextcloud-aio-redis ab7d1dde085b Estoy intentado realizar los pasos que comentas pero no logro resetear la contraseña. I’ve tried to use the ‘forgot password’ link but I get the message: Couldn’t send reset email. –Click on the pencil icon –Enter the user’s new password in the password field, and remember to provide the user with their password. I thought it wasn’t possible to change the password Hello I set the the Rainloop app up yesterday, where I changed the admin password. 25): PHP version (eg, 7. When i restarted NC (3 weeks later), my password expired (both my user and Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. Hello, I don’t remember the admin password. Nextcloud community [RESOLVED] Lost nextcloudpi admin password. I was the only admin, but there is a second, non-admin user, that Resetting a user password . 2 Operating system and version (eg, Ubuntu 20. I want to reset the password through the terminal, but I cannot manage to get it right. I have tried to reinstall the app and has also been looking through the application Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. I saved the admin password in my local password manager, which password file has been corrupt (I only take weekly backups). Is there a way to save my data, but start a new frontend? Please,. jmartin17 opened this issue Oct 28, 2016 · 15 comments I can get into the box using PuTTY SSH and I can run commands and see the nextcloud Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. 0. Hi Since this morning I can’t log-in as admin to my nextcloud dashboard, password is no accepted. help. If you ever forget your admin password, hopefully, you have someone else who is an administrator that can reset it for you. Hello! I am running Nextcloud via Docker Deskton on Windows. ive tried trought sudo by following this link https://docs. Is this the first time you’ve seen this error? (Y/N):Y Steps to replicate it: Tr Hello, I am using Nextcloud 29. NIC, z. 14 PHP version (eg, 7. Click the password reset link on the login screen; this appears after a failed login attempt. 04): Apache or nginx version (eg, Apache 2. 03 I am trying to change a password for a user. You signed out in another tab or window. 0 The issue you are facing: Hi, if I use the password reset option on the login page, I receive a email as expected. what is default user and password after install? The issue you are facing: unable to reset user’s password as an admin on a nextcloud installation with encryption. I created a new user typed in an email and then clicked on “forgot password”. $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the $ sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin Enter a new password: Confirm the new password: Successfully reset password for admin maybe try a simpler password with less or no special character, you can change it later. Tengo una raspberry pi4 con CASA OS donde tengo instalado Nextcloud, pero al ejecutar el comando sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword “usuario”, me aparece el siguiente mensaje de error: “php: command not found” Si me Support intro. com where we can ensure your business keeps running smoothly. 1 Signing status: Signing status List of activated apps: just Default apps acticvated The content of config/config. No message telling you that you were successful or not and for any reason it was not working. I don’t know what to do, I only Resetting a lost admin password Ask another Nextcloud server admin to reset it for you. I am new to nextcloud, and apparantly i lost my password even thoug im quite sure its the right one. i. I. 0 Hi all, We have a small deployment that I have recently reconfigured to authenticate against ActiveDirectory (Nethserver Samba4) - this is a fresh install and all Hi guys, I’ve just installed NextCloud on my dedicated server, everything is working just fine but I’ve got a little problem Can’t change my users’ password When I change one of my users’ password from the admin panel I cannot reset a password for a user. Enabling two-factor authentication; Disabling two-factor I am using nextcloud 18. I made a mistake and I lost my nextcloudpi admin password. Today I logged in, change my login password in my admin panel, but I can’t login in again (perhaps I type a wrong new password) and password reset is not available as I can see in the log that no email address was linked to this username. sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ user:resetpassword admin I have tried above command as can not find location for /var/www i had no php so installed above version need help to reset one user password. And I am NOT talking about Resetting a user password . This works only if you have entered your email address on your Personal page in the Nextcloud Web interface, so that the Nextcloud server can email a reset link to you. 17 (cli) Ubuntu - 22. nc-passwd : Change password for the NextCloudPi Is there an admin-user? Perhaps you can reset the password on login screen (forget password option). Reset password doesn’t work either. It runs on a managed hosting account and I do not have any root privileges. Learn how to recover a lost admin password for Nextcloud using the login screen, another admin, or the occ command. But these credentials were not accepted. php: Config report Are you using external storage, if I have such a problem. Thanks for the reply. Disable password policy or at least the part in regards to allowed amount of password changes per day, and allow re-use of passwords (do not use password history) as Nextcloud will not have access to the password history, hence the change and reset password will not be reliable from a Nextcloud point of view. 3 Operating system and version: Debian 8 (Jessie) Apache version: 2. php occ user:resetpassword USERNAME_HERE On following screenshot, i reset Support intro Nextcloud version (eg, 12. 4): ? The issue you are facing: I setup nextcloud on my Synology nas but i could not reset the password in the dashboard as it said the old password was incorrect. occ user:resetpassword USER_NAME_HERE It will ask for the new password, once you enter the password and confirmed it your nextcloud admin password will be changed. fhgja jlruk qrnp iaebigp thyait xdq smuirzm pxojss nosyo yfjm ppninsc ayyetrf lbuvfs hxbpl pebcs