
Best push pull legs routine

  • Best push pull legs routine. This split is perfect for any lifter Jul 22, 2021 · This video explains how to start a PUSH PULL LEGS routine for beginners and why it’s the best training split to build muscle. Day 4: Repeat, or rest and repeat of day 5. I usually do pull,push,legs rest day and repeat. Set 3: 105 pounds x 5 reps. Cable Laterals 3x8-12. Push pull legs (PPL) splits are a very popular three-way split and are often programmed by the best coaches. 4 Day Push Pull Legs Routines. Then you have the weekend off. Day 2: Pull 1. And as always, with all of your corrective exercises, focus on quality first, not quantity. Overhead Triceps Extension 2 sets x 10-15 reps. For those looking to challenge themselves while also seeing great growth, give this workout a try and see what it can do for you. This means each muscle group is worked an average of 2. Best option is to use something proven and tweak it for you My current split is: Traps, biceps, chest Quads, shoulders, lats Traps, hamstrings, chest Back and abs Mar 1, 2020 · This video is the final installment of my 3-part push pull legs routine series. etc. Thursday: Rest/Recovery/Cardio. Thursday – Push Day. This will (typically) have you doing 3 workouts, 2 times per week. The program focuses on the old-school basic mass movements such as deadlifts, squats and standing military press. In this video, we’ll cover your leg workout for the week. Is Push Pull legs good for mass? The 6 Days Push Pull Legs (PPL) can significantly Push/Pull Training. Nov 15, 2020 · For example, with a push/pull/legs split, you’re training all of the upper body “pushing” muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps) and “pulling” muscles (back/biceps/rear delts) in their own individual workouts. Chest Flies - 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions. Nutrition – 60 calories, 15g protein, 0g carbs, 0g fat, 0g fiber, 0mg calcium. Kettlebell Push Pull Leg Workout Program (with PDF) The fusion of strength, balance, and functional movement is vital for achieving physical robustness and overall well-being in fitness. Some bodybuilders may opt to only train 3 times a week on this program. Push Day. Keeping your core tight throughout, drive down through your heels and pull the bar up your legs, pushing your hips forwards to stand tall. The 4-day split is much like the 3-day model, but it adds in some flexibility: Day 1: Pushing; Day 2: Pulling; Day 3: Legs; Day 4: Rest day or push or pull; Day 5: Rest day or pull or legs; Day 6: Push ; Day 7: Pull Directions. Day 3: Leg workout. The first exercise Mar 25, 2024 · Keep a slight bend in your knees, chest up, back straight, and core engaged. We typically recommend the PPL workout for those experienced lifters who have a good understanding of both compound and isolation movements, have had success with a 5-day workout split for 6 months or more and understand the importance of balanced nutrition and diet to support muscle building. As you might know, abs make up a large chunk of your body’s “core” muscles. This workout can be performed for up to 12 weeks. Perform 2-3 sets for 8-12 reps using a load that is 65-85% of your 1RM for the exercise if your goal is hypertrophy and 3-5 sets with 3-6 reps with at least 85% of your 1RM if your goal is increasing strength. 5 cups sliced strawberries. Monday: Push. Get a good stretch, but do not hyperextend your shoulders. The first round of workouts (first 3 days) you’ll be going heavy. So your schedule will look like the below…. Just like with the other Pull Workout, be sure to write this down. Push Pull Legs Routine is one of the best quick-fix ways to mega mass gains. And you can also train your core on your leg day. It follows a push, pull, legs split and adds in an extra day focused on building the muscles that help provide a “V”-taper illusion. Jul 29, 2023 · Day 1: Push. I would spend a month or so training at a maximum of 5 days per week, before possibly increasing that to 6 days per week (maximum). Day 3: Legs. And it continues on and on in this same format where it’s three consecutive workouts followed by a day off (and then repeat). 6 Day Push Pull Legs Split For Strength and Push Day Dumbbell Workout A. It is highly effective for developing the chest muscles, which can increase 10–20% in muscle thickness over 2–3 months of bench press training in untrained persons. Day 3 – Legs: Legs, glutes and abs. You can easily tailor this split to your specific needs The Push, Pull, Legs workout routine is for anyone, whether you’re walking into the gym for the first time or you’re an experienced gym-goer. Push, Pull, Legs Splits: 3-Day Beginner/Intermediate = Push, Pull Day 1: Push. Day 6: Pull – Strength. Aug 4, 2011 · Push/Pull/Legs Split (PPL): 3-6 Day Workout Routine. The first exercise is a heavy loading exercise with around 6 reps. In the push workout for mass, you train all of your upper This 6 day push/pull/legs workout routine split is a high volume, workout system designed for advanced lifters looking to gain muscle and strength. Day 1: focus on push exercises. Here is the outline of the leg day routine. Hanging Leg Raise 2 X 10 – 15. It’s perfect for most intermediate lifters and can be performed for 6-8 weeks (or longer depending on your goals). Calf Raise 4 X 8 – 10. In a push pull legs routine, we can be creative with our exercise selection. It’s a hybrid, 6 day training split that brings in some advant Aug 27, 2023 · An example of a 3 day ppl split might look like this: Monday: Push Workout. Tuesday – Pull Day. This keeps you safe and strengthens bones and tendons. 54. One-Arm Dumbbell Rows – 3 sets of 10 reps. Apr 3, 2024 · Day #6, Legs: Legs, glutes and abs; Most push, pull, legs routines will be focused around compound moves — exercises that recruit multiple muscle groups — to provide maximum bang-for-your-buck Jun 16, 2021 · Squats, leg presses, leg extensions, hamstring curls, calf raises, hip thrusts, and glute bridges are some of the best exercises for leg day training. Set 3: 100 pounds x 8 reps. The PPL splits allow for focused and targeted muscle stimulation in each session, leading to optimal muscle development. The style of training is great for both goals of increasing maximum strength and increasing muscle hypertrophy. Monday: Push A. Set 1: 105 pounds x 7 reps. Monday: Heavy Push. Dec 17, 2019 · Day 1: Push workout. See a sample PPL workout plan with exercises, rep schemes, and tips for different training frequencies. A divide like this might be the best push pull legs routine: Day 1 – Push: Chest, shoulders, triceps. Exercises marked A and B are alternated, so you’ll do one set of A, rest as needed, then B, and repeat until all sets are completed for the pair. Day 1 – Push Workout A. The bench press is the ultimate push exercise and should be the first entry into any push-pull workout routine. Feb 26, 2022 · Follow this detailed push/pull/legs workout routine to guide your training and get you bigger. Day 6: Rest. Leg extensions. Barbell Overhead Press 3x6-10. (Image credit: unknown) Sets 4 Reps 6 Rest 60sec. Leg Day. Pull day: Back, traps, biceps. Day 7: Pull + Abs. leg day). Day 7: Rest. Looking for the best push pull legs routine for muscle growth? Check out the best mass-building workout plan here. Sep 28, 2023 · With the added elements, the workout would look like this: Exercise 1: Push-Ups – to failure. Bend your arms and lower the dumbbells down to just outside your chest. Directions: Perform the push days on Mondays and Thursdays and the pull days on Tuesdays and Fridays, resting the remainder of the days. 2 x 12-15 reps. Apr 9, 2024 · 6 Day Push Pull Legs Calisthenics Workout Routine to Advance Your Fitness Level. Day 5 – Push Workout (Chest, Triceps, and Shoulder) PPL is just the initialiasm of push, pull, legs or pull, push, legs (it really doesn't matter which). Day 2: Pull workout. Leg Curl 2 X 10 – 12. Rest periods can be highly individualized, so if you need more or less rest Legs, Pull, Push in that order. If that’s your preference, you could do a Monday (push), Wednesday (pull) and Friday (legs) training split. Dumbbell Shoulder Presses - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. Tuesday: Rest/Recovery/Cardio. So it’s push/pull/legs/off and then push/pull/legs/off and then push/pull/legs/off, etc. Squat: 3 sets x 6 reps; Romanian Deadlift: 3 sets x 8 reps; Bulgarian Split Squat: 3 sets x 10 reps; Seated Leg Curl: 3 sets x 12 reps; Leg Extension: 2 sets x 12 reps; Standing Calf Raise: 3 sets x 15 reps May 8, 2023 · Reddit PPL Program Overview. Deadlifts (conventional, sumo, snatch-grip,trap bar) - 5 sets x 5 reps. The high-rep sets help build muscles, while the heavier loads increase strength. Apr 22, 2016 · FREE Workout Template: Download a FREE copy of the spreadsheet I made for tracking this push/pull/legs routine. 2 training days focused on your "pull muscles" (your back, biceps, and rear delts) Sep 30, 2020 · Push-pull-legs (PPL) split workouts are a fast and efficient way to build muscle mass while working out for as little as three days per week! This classic workout split divides your training week up into three distinct sections. You can also throw ab workouts in with each group as part of your The program is a six days per week pull, push legs split. Front foot elevated split squat (quads + glutes) – 3 sets @ 2-3 RIR. This is my favorite split to use for 6-day routines. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press 4 sets x 10-15 reps. Jan 23, 2024 · The traditional push, pull, legs workout is a 3-day per week routine, and you have the option of working out on consecutive days or taking rest days in between. Perform the remaining exercises as straight sets. Day 4: Rest. You can run all six days in a row or throw a rest day in the middle after day 3. 99. Based off Kingbeef's "Do this routine instead of that dumb one" from T-Nation. The muscle groups for each function are below. Bench Press. Pull – Upper Back, Lower Back, Rear Deltoids, Trapezius, Biceps. Wednesday – Legs. May 15, 2024 · Learn how to organize your muscle groups into push, pull, and legs days for optimal muscle growth and strength. 2 training days focused on your "push muscles" (chest, front delts, side delts, and triceps) 2. I would just add one leg exercise to the push and pull days and get rid of the leg day. 2 x 10-12 reps. Pull Day. Day 2: Lower Body Pushing Workout. Apr 23, 2024 · The push-pull-legs split is extremely effective at training your full body throughout the week and at a relatively high training frequency. Following movements enhance back strength, posture, and overall upper body development. Leg day muscles worked: Quads, hamstrings, glutes Sep 1, 2023 · Wednesday: Leg Workout A. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: 3x10-12. Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat. And doing six days workouts a week can help you gain muscle and strength both. On Thursday it’s back to the push workout, with the second pull workout of the week on Friday. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 sets x 8-12 reps. Front Pull-Down – 3 sets of 10 reps. Oct 2, 2023 · Day 2: Pull – Hypertrophy. Sunday – Off. Exercise 3: Reverse Lunges or Step-Ups – 5-4-3-2-1 per leg. It makes sure you hit all major muscle groups equally which is important when training. For example. Kettlebell exercises combine strength training, functional fitness, and full-body engagement. Day 1: Push Jun 6, 2023 · Sample Push Pull Legs Routine. Jan 5, 2020 · One of the most effective muscle-building workout routines you can use is the push pull legs split. 2 x 15-20 reps. Lateral Raise 3 sets x 15-20 reps. Day 6 – Lower body day: Quads, hamstrings May 9, 2017 · It targets all of your major muscle groups in a traditional 3 day push, pull, legs split. This allows for high workout frequency and a full body split workout while still allowing each muscle group adequate recovery time. Weighted Pull-Ups or Chins - 5 sets x 5 reps * include 2-3 warm-up sets at 40%-50% of training weight. Weekends: Rest/Recovery/Cardio. Legs – Glutes, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves. Jul 21, 2014 · 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 3 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 cup of whole milk, 1 scoop of whey protein, 1. Lower body day: Legs, glutes, and abs. The sets listed are your work sets. This workout plan allows you to train each muscle twice a week. 4 days/week is better than 6 for recovery. A deadlift is a pull exercise, but it also hits the legs hard too. On pull days, the muscles worked will be the Back and biceps. Bench Press 3x4-8. There are very few workout splits that are perfectly designed in terms of effectiveness, balance, frequency, and scheduling options. e. Of course, doing the 6-day split leads to greater overall Sep 25, 2023 · Saturday: off. From this position push the dumbbell backwards by straightening your elbow. Push Workout. Day 2 – Pull day: Back, biceps and rear delts. Builds muscle mass and strength. Sunday: Push. You need to ensure that your arm from the shoulder to elbow doesn’t rock back and forth. 3. Mar 13, 2023 · Here is a sample push-pull routine with workouts separated by a rest day. The barbell bench press engages a high level of muscle activation in all of the push muscles, including the pecs, delts, and triceps. The main reason is that the majority of these workouts are comprised of compound exercises like the barbell bench press, squats and deadlifts offer the most Oct 20, 2020 · Training Split for 6-Day Routine. The above is the ideal combination of training and rest days, but you can switch days around to fit your schedule if necessary. Day 7 – Full Day Off/Recovery Day. More advanced lifters may opt for the 6-day version of this program, in which they perform each workout twice per week. Week 1. The pull day focuses on the upper body Jul 19, 2019 · Posted on: Tue, 05/31/2022 - 14:57. To follow this plan I would do one of exercise each day for six days. The Best Bulking Diet for Skinny Guys. Legs: Leg + Calves + Abs (No order, 1 to 4 exercises of each) Pull: Back, Biceps, Shoulders (No order, 1 to 4 exercises of each, + 3 sets of abs or plank for last)Push: Chest, Triceps, Shoulders (No order, 1 to 4 exercises of each, + 3 sets of abs or plank for last) This setup balances vertical and horizontal push, vertical and horizontal pull, knee-based bend and hip-based bend. Strength and muscle mass go hand in hand. To perform a superset, you’ll do both exercises (for example: 1a and 1b) one right after another with no rest in Jan 31, 2024 · A typical PPLUL split will be structured like this: Day 1 – Push day: Chest, shoulders and triceps. Feb 25, 2017 · The Pull workout targets your back, biceps, forearms and abs with the following exercises: Deadlift – 6 sets, wide grip (3 sets from floor – 15, 12, 10 reps; 3 sets elevated – 10, 10, 8 reps) T-Bar Rows – 3 sets of 10 reps. Brace your legs and core and pull your shoulders down and back. Day 4 – Push Workout B. 1 2 3. Aug 17, 2019 · Fine-tune this example to your own needs by adjusting the frequency of the exercises. I’ll give you a couple of examples…. The programme focuses on the old-school basic mass movements such as deadlifts, squats and standing military press. Long-step reverse lunges (hamstrings + glutes) – 3 sets @ 2-3 RIR. And since he supersets a push exercise with a pull exercise, he has enough energy to tackle both lifts with a high level of intensity. Jun 13, 2020 · Vernon likes to use supersets during his workouts to add an endurance and conditioning factor. Workouts will typically take between 45-60 minutes to complete. Day 3: Pull + Abs. then repeat on the opposite leg. Jun 18, 2022 · 28-Day Push Pull Legs Dumbbell Routine for Muscle and Strength. Push – Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. Friday: Light Pull. (1) 2. Nov 21, 2012 · Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x5. Day 5: Rest. In between each set, utilize a 45-90 second rest period. Day One - Pull. Nov 15, 2023 · The Leg Day Workout Routine. The following workout routine is a 4 day per week protocol. That’s six days per week. Day 4 – Rest day. Exercise 5: Jumping Jacks – 60 seconds. Workout 5. Written by: Jay | Updated: September 1, 2023. They are intended to divide the total body into logical work segments so that each gets resistance Apr 18, 2024 · Wrap Up. Day 2: Rest. Apr 3, 2023 · Mass-Tech Extreme 2000. Set 2: 105 pounds x 6 reps. Day Two - Push The Push Pull Legs Workout Split. Leg Press. Overhead Dumbbell Extension or similar triceps exercise: 3x10-12. Optional: Side planks (obliques and erectors) – 1 set @ 1 minute per side, add 10 seconds per week. Every day is designed in the same kind of way. Leg press. Day 3: Rest. Compound actions, or exercises that engage Nov 26, 2021 · Push Pull Legs 5 Day Split Routine for Bodybuilding. Inhale, then exhale to row the barbell. 4. Hanging leg raise (anterior core) – 2 sets to 2-3 RIR. Our routine is a carefully designed 6-day push-pull leg Jun 25, 2021 · Set your bench to 30 to 45 degrees and lie back with a dumbbell in each hand, pressed to arms’ length. Friday: Leg Workout. Leg Extensions. It combines three workouts: a push workout, a pull workout, and a legs workout – run twice each week. Just to be clear. The goal of this split is to maximize hypertrophy through overloading and a lot of volume. Jun 6, 2021 · The Push pull legs split workout routine is one of the best workout routines that promote muscle growth and increases strength. Seated (or Standing) Barbell Shoulder/Overhead Press: 3x5. Day 4: Lower Body Pulling Workout. Now bend forward by making an angle of 45 degrees. Each day has its own theme. Monday - Planet Fitness Push Workout A, Tuesday - Planet Fitness Pull Workout A, Wednesday - Planet Fitness Legs Workout A, Thursday - Planet Fitness Push Workout B, Friday - Planet Fitness Pull Workout B With the standard version of the 4-day routine, you do the push workout on Monday, the pull workout on Tuesday, then have a rest day. Rope Pushdowns (circuit machine): 3x10-12. This PPL 5 day split involves high-rep sets (10 to 20) for the first three days and heavy-load low-rep sets (6 to 10) for the last two days. Pull your elbows to the Squats 3 X 6 – 8. The movements after that are designed to targets the muscles on each specific day. Saturday – Legs. Jun 29, 2022 · The push pull legs workout is designed in such a way that there is no overlap when working on muscle groups, and there is ample rest for the muscles. Jun 5, 2022 · 2. The 3-day split will work best for most people because it offers a consistent schedule, and you have a fair amount of flexibility to move your workouts around when life happens. I talk about what the PUSH PULL Jan 25, 2024 · 7 push exercises and 6 pull exercises to form the best full-body push-pull workout routines for building strength and improving body composition. Tuesday: Heavy Pull. Creatine - Unleashing Power, Performance, and Safety. Day 3 – Leg Workout A. Perform 3–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions for each exercise, and rest for 2–3 minutes between sets. Day 1 – Push Workout (Chest, Triceps, and Delts) Day 2 – Pull Workout (Back, Biceps, and Forearms) Day 3 – Leg Workout (Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves) Day 4 – OFF. Day 4: Push – Hypertrophy. 1. Wednesday: Heavy Legs. Exercise 4: Lying Leg Raises – 15-20 reps. Push workout muscles worked: Chest, shoulders, triceps. Jul 19, 2019 · 6 Day Dumbbell Workout Split Overview. It follows a push/pull/legs workout scheme. You will still see incredible results with a 5 day Push Pull Leg split. On push days, the muscles worked will be Chest, shoulders, and triceps. May 6, 2024 · If you were to do a push-pull routine, you could do the 6 lower body pulling exercises on lower body pull day and the 6 upper body pulling exercises on upper body day. Wednesday: Pull Workout. DBell Stiff-legged deadlift. For example, there is no worry of sore biceps impacting chest workouts or sore legs affecting quadriceps workouts. As you can see in the beginner programme, there are very few isolation exercises. Day 3 – Leg day: Quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves. Like an upper lower split, a push/pull split is normally done four times a week. Day 2: focus on pull exercises. The Basic Push Pull Legs Routine. Incline DB Press 3x6-10. Read Our Top Read Content: A-Z Guide to Bodybuilding for Beginners. Some supporting muscle groups (especially the back and shoulders) are indirectly targeted even more than that. Day 6 – Leg Workout B. Leg Press 2 X 10 – 12. This is what a simple 6 day Push Pull Legs routine looked like for me; Day 1: Push 1. Here your arm from the shoulder to your elbow should be in line with your upper body. Exercise 2: Inverted Rows – to failure. Day 5 – Pull Workout B. Jul 24, 2022 · This is a FULL moderate volume hypertrophy program based on the push pull legs x Arnold split. Full body and upper/lower would be two good examples of this. This means we can hit body parts more than we realized, which increases results. For the moves done for 5×5, add five pounds at the end of each four-week cycle. When performing the exercises, you’ll want to utilize a weight that will fall into the 70-85% range of your 1 rep max. Pull day concentrates on muscles engaged in pulling motions, emphasizing the back muscles and biceps. PPL splits can be broken down in many ways Dec 9, 2022 · Welcome to the Ultimate 6 Day Push Pull Legs Workout Routine, designed to increase muscle gains and improve overall body composition. The inclusion of abdominal workouts is vital for the overall strengthening of your body. As a result, you’ll train each muscle group at least twice per week. Romanian Deadlifts 2 X 8 – 10. One day is a push-focused day focusing on the upper body muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps. 2. This program does include a few advanced strength training movements such as the front squat and kettlebell snatch. Day 1: Upper Body Pulling Workout. This push/pull workout is to be performed as a 3-day training split, hitting all muscle groups twice per week, with one rest day. If vertical is heavy, horizontal is light, and vice versa. But you can also bump up the training frequency to turn it into a 5-day workout routine. Reviewed by: Nem Sambaher, MS, CPT. I do 6-8 sets of compound lifts and 2/3 accessory exercises but the most important factor is nutrition if you are not eating enough you will get drained really fast being in a surplus will legit make you hit PR’s every week. Day 3: focus on your legs. Shrugs (circuit machine or dumbbells): 3x10-12. Push - this can just be thought of as moving things away from your body (think of a bench press) Pull - this can be thought of as moving things towards your body (think of a row) Sep 19, 2021 · The push pull legs routine is the favored lifting routine for those seeking to maximize muscle growth. Gets strength work, hypertrophy work, and targeted isolation in each session. May 10, 2024 · Chris Bumstead’s Push workout A: Shoulders, Chest, Tris (Pec Heavy) Barbell bench Press (flat or incline) - 5 to 8 repetitions of 2 heavy sets and 10-12 repetitions of 1 back off set. The benefit of having only 3 major days is you can train anywhere from 3 to 6 times per week depending on how much you want to workout and what your goals are. Here's how I break it down, if pro's want to critique or newbs want to have an example of a p/p/l 2xweek. Warm-up: Generally, it is always effective to begin your training with Mar 14, 2022 · 3-Day Push/Pull/Legs Workout. Day 5: Push. Set 2: 100 pounds x 8 reps. Low Incline Dumbbell Press 4 sets x 8-12 reps. 3 x 6-8 reps. This 3 day beginner push/pull/legs split routine is a simple and convenient training method, which is best for novice "hardgainers" who have trouble recovering from more frequent training splits. This push, pull, legs routine from Jeff Nippard is a very effective workout in seeing total body gains. Dumbbell still-legged deadlifts. Each muscle group is trained directly twice a week. 5 times per week rather than twice. Perform each workout (Day 1, 2, 3, and 4) once per week. Use this routine to burn fat and get ripped! Read workout notes for cardio schedule to go with this workout. Nov 2, 2023 · 1. Set 1: 100 pounds x 8 reps. Pull workout muscles worked: Back, biceps, and traps. Day 6 – Legs: Legs, glutes and abs. Focus on proper form, not numbers. Just go ham on the compound lifts. i. But with a typical 5-day split, you often have schedules like chest on Monday, shoulders on Tuesday, biceps/triceps on Wednesday Jan 29, 2024 · One thing we like about following a PPL routine is the fact that it’s nice and easy to follow, as you’re about to find out. Friday – Pull Day. Sep 27, 2009 · Doug's intense 6 day cutting routine hits each muscle group twice a week on a 3 days on, 1 day off schedule. 10 to 15g of BCAAs intra-workout (recovery & fatigue management). Always warm up properly first in order to prepare your body for the heavier work, and to help prevent injury. Day 5 – Upper body day: Chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps. It allows you to target each muscle twice a week. Low-to-high Cable Flyes 3x8-12. Apr 2, 2024 · Step 2: Combine movements with clever exercise selection. Barbell Bench Press. Don’t expect Bicep Curls or Pec Dec sets. As you can see, in the beginner program, there are very few isolation exercises. As you can see, in workout four, once you’re able to do 8 reps in all 3 sets, you add weight in the fifth workout and repeat the cycle. Day 4 – Push: Chest, shoulders, triceps. By splitting your exercises into pushing movements, pulling movements, and leg exercises, you can ensure that you’re hitting all the major muscle groups evenly. Depress and slightly externally rotate your shoulders. Day 2: Pull. Triceps Kickback 2 sets x 15-20 reps. Below is a sample 3-day push, pull, legs strength training plan. Mar 25, 2023 · 1. Hold a barbell with hands shoulder-width apart and your arms straight, hips low and chest up so your back is straight. However another advantage of this split Nov 10, 2022 · The Best Push/Pull/Legs Workout Routine Here’s an example of a well-structured, properly balanced push/pull/legs split routine that is certain to give you excellent results: Workout 1 — Push This is the perfect time to do this, guys. Usually, the push workout is done on day 1, the pull workout on day 2, and the leg workout on day 3. . Thursday: Light Push. Since this is a five-day weekly program, you won’t have two leg Nov 30, 2022 · Diamond Push-Ups (2 sets of 8-10 reps) Incline Push-Ups (3 sets of 10-12 reps) Day 2: Pull Day. Leg Day Workout. Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x5. Push A. The bench press is a classic barbell exercise that works your chest, front delts, and triceps. May 27, 2021 · Workout Overview. Deadlift 1x per week. Day 3: Legs (quads, calves) Day 4: Push (shoulders, triceps, abs) Day 5: Pull (hamstrings, biceps, rear delts) 6-Day Split : The 6-day PPL split is the ultimate program for the advanced lifter. Day 1: Push (chest, shoulders, triceps) Apr 21, 2023 · The push pull legs split has been shown to offer numerous benefits, and below are some of the primary ones worth highlighting. Balanced Muscle Development. There are different scheduling options available, including synchronous, asynchronous, and three-day splits, catering to Oct 19, 2022 · The best push-pull-legs workout routine to get a full-body workout blast in the shortest time possible (Image credit: Getty Images) Jump to category: Day 1 – Push Day 2 – Pull May 6, 2024 · Each workout focuses on one group of muscles for that corresponding function. May 17, 2024 · A PPL split is a workout program designed to build muscle in almost every single muscle group by splitting different movements (and thus, major muscle groups) into distinct days of the week: Push day: Chest, shoulders, and triceps. Perform three sets of 15 to 20 repetitions. Triceps Extensions (superset with flies) - 4 sets of 7 to Feb 3, 2023 · 1 Deadlift. Usually, the push pull legs are performed over 6 days every single week. If you add weight and can get only two or three reps with that load, that’s fine—reduce your rep count WHAT IS THE PUSH PULL LEGS SPLIT ROUTINE? The push pull legs training split divides your training days into three distinct groups: 1. One workout involves your upper body “push muscles,” the second workout is your upper body “pull muscles,” and the last workout in the split is for lower body (i. Day 2 – Pull: Back, traps, biceps. Day 2 – Pull Workout A. You could also just do one leg day. Day 5 – Pull: Back, traps, biceps. The right exercises at the right sets and reps ranges, this is certainly a great workout to put into The Classic Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) split is a versatile workout routine favored by fitness legends. Monday – Push Day. In the last 3 days of the week, you’ll be doing higher reps. Rows (barbell, dumbbell, machine or t-bar) - 5 sets x 5 reps. eu sx rm iw gd wc jm ej ty no