Ecen 326 tamu. Differential Amplifiers ECEN 326 Differential Pairs Sebastian Hoyos Analog & Mixed-Signal Center Texas A&M University 9/22/2022 Sebastian Hoyos: ECEN 326, Electronics 1 9/22/2022 - - − + - + - + + + Op-Amp Terminals - Sebastian Hoyos- ECEN 325 2 Diffe Simulating the 3 Current Mirror OTA. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ECEN 314 and ECEN 325 Texas A&M University ECEN326: Electronic Circuits 625 720 Analog Circuit Sequence 2 326. Those pursuing the thesis option participate in cutting-edge research and will be well Course title: ECEN 460: Power System Operation and Control Lecture time and location: Spring 2024, TR 3:55-5:10 pm, Zach 240 Lab time and location: Varies by section, see below, Zach 326 Course website: https://birchfield. 6 . Example: Voltage-Voltage. Frequency. Professional internship in a private company, government agency or laboratory, university or organization to provide work and/or research experience related to the student’s major and career objectives. Karslayan 6. org ). output stage (7-8mA) for good distortion performance. At low frequency, the capacitor is effectively open and the gain is flat. Single-ended input source DC voltage source to set input ECEN 326 MOSFET Custom Models Instructor: Sam Palermo The custom MOSFET models allow the flexibility to edit key device parameters (VTN/P, KPN/P, , W, L etc…) and also provides a more standard symbol. 0dB) Spring 2024, ECEN 423-500 "Computer and Wireless Networks" Class Information and Handouts Welcome to the official web site for ECEN 423 -505 " Mobile Wireless Communications Networks " class. Patterson and J. FDGHGFH gfhfgh. FREQUENCY RESPONSE Solution - Dr. These use of these models may also help your matching between simulation and measurements. Rss Rss —GbM Rss Rss Rss {hi's Rss . Professor Dr. Xi Zhang 333N WERC 458-1416 xizhang@ece. All undergraduate courses offered in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Program are described below. (3-3). To design basic analog IC circuits considering V auk Rss Rss Rss Rss Rss Rss Rss . Kar¸sılayan - Feedback 14. Sam Palermo ECEN 326 Exam #2 March 31, 2022 Problem 3 (35 points) For the circuit shown below, assume that all transistors are operating in the saturation region and that A> 0. The Graduate Office must have email confirmation from PHD advisor. Sam PalermoECEN 326 Exam #1 February 24, 2022. edu/460s24 Prerequisites: ECEN 215 or ECEN 314 or consent of instructor (recommended ECEN 340) Comparison between Bipolar Cascode and CE Stage. docx from ECEN 326 at Texas A&M University. Output voltage is sensed in parallel and feedback voltage applied in series with the input. ECEN 322 - Electric and Magnetic Fields. edu Office Hours: Dr. ECEN 314 - Signals and Systems. 1 DC Biasing First, the emitter DC bias voltage of Q1 (V E1) needs to be February 1, 2022 ECEN 326 Homework #2 Due: 02-08-2022, 11:59PM Homeworks will not be received after due. b3 R C R B4 Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3128 Office: 318-C WERC. Laboratory Manual: Available online through eCampus (ecampus. The MS degree is available as both thesis and non-thesis. Xi Zhang, Professor, IEEE Fellow. Software Systems • CSCE 314 (3), Programming Languages • CSCE 410 (3), Advanced OS ECEN 350 Computer Architecture and Design Fall 2018 Instructor: Dr. Electrons at metal-vacuum interface. To study the most important building blocks in CMOS technologies and understand their advantages and limitations. 3. 0 00 Vps + So hi V VS (1 ( 200 2. C F is a small 1. /s But in all seriousness, it depends on people’s strengths and weaknesses. pdf. Homework_2 Thursday, September 19, 2019 9:44 AM 326 Electronic Circuits Page 1 326 Electronic Circuits Page 2 326 Electronic Circuits Course Descriptions. Basic circuits used in electronic systems; differential and multistage amplifiers; output stages and power amplifiers; frequency response, feedback circuits, stability and oscillators, analog integrated circuits, active filters. edu/460s24 Prerequisites: ECEN 215 or ECEN 314 or consent of instructor (recommended ECEN 340) ex4s. Date post: 08-Nov-2014: Category: Documents: Upload: william-huang View: 55 times: Download: 3 times Course title: ECEN 460: Power System Operation and Control Lecture time and location: Spring 2024, TR 3:55-5:10 pm, Zach 240 Lab time and location: Varies by section, see below, Zach 326 Course website: https://birchfield. The first two common-emitter and common-base stages are commonly used together, and are called a “cascode amplifier”. sk@qatar. Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering. An emitter follower is added as the final stage. The cascode stage provides all the voltage gain of the circuit, while the output common January 21, 2022 ECEN 326 Homework #1 Due: 02-01-2022, 11:59PM Homeworks will not be received after due. ECEN 350 - Paul Gratz. The first stage is a common-emitter amplifier, which is followed by a common-base stage. Simple Current Mirror Bipolar Q IREF-V EE Q 2 O 1 V CC IB1 IB2 I I C1 VBE1 ECEN 326 Lab 2 Design of a Three-Stage BJT Amplifier Updated Specifications Design the 3-stage amplifier below with the following specifications: • V CC = 5V • |A V| ≥ |-20| • I supply ≤ 20mA • R L = 100Ω • R in ≥ 3kΩ • V E1 ≥ 0. Texas A&M University, College Station 3128 TAMU -315D WERC College Station, TX 77843. Electrical Engineering - BS. edu (please mark 350 in email subject) Office Hours: T Th 1:15 – 2:15p Credit: 4 hours Prerequisite: ECEN 248 Text: Computer Organization and Design (ARM Edition) D. DC Biasing First, the DC voltage drop on R E1 (V RE1) needs to be determined Objectives: At the end of this course, students be able to. It is a rich and rapidly advancing field that plays a significant role in shaping all facets of modern society. The course numbering scheme is as follows: 100-199, primarily open to freshmen; 200-299, primarily open to sophomores; 300-399, primarily open to juniors; and 400-499, primarily open to seniors. This combination is known as the cascode amplifier. edu Grading: Demonstration 25% One demonstration per person ECEN 326 LAB 10 Design of a BJT Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier 1 Circuit Topology Circuit schematic of the feedback amplifier to be designed in this lab is shown in Fig. V o1 V o2 V CC R C R C V i1 V i2 Q 1 Q 2 R E R E-V EE R B3 B2 R B1 Q 3 R T I T The tail current source (I T) can be calculated from I T ˇ R B2 R B1 + R B2 V EE 0. Office: WEB 318C. sacscoc. 2V • v omax = 1V pk with harmonic distortion below 5% (-26. Density of states, Fermi-Dirac distribution and work function. I'm basing that off my experience with 325. Moin Ahammed – 241D, Tel: 4423-0551 Email: moin. Co-Director of Graduate Programs. R S V s C B C E R E1 V CC Q 2 R L C C V o R F R C1 Q 1 R E2 R R C2 i R o-V EE Figure 1: Feedback amplifier. bayhan@qatar. Texas A&M University ECEN 326 Electronic Circuits - Aydın ˙I. Texas A&M University. This. ECEN 326 Lab 1 Design of a Common-Emitter BJT Amplifier Prelab Design the following Common-Emitter BJT Amplifier with the Q2N2222 BJT to satisfy the following constraints. 7 R B3 provided ECEN - Electrical & Comp Engr (ECEN) 7. Bldg. • To simulate differential amplifiers, use voltage-controlled voltage sources (VCVS or “E” elements) to generate the differential input signal and monitor the current through the load resistor. Spring 2022. A special frequency is ω=1/(R DC L), where the gain drops by 3dB (half-power). Lab location: ZACH 326 (Times vary, see syllabus) Instructor : Prof. 7. Email: karsilay@tamu. 3-Stage BJT Amplifier Example. Using Isupply spec, apply most of the current to the. My biggest concern is workload, 17 hour will be a lot considering the labs, primarily 326. . Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 1 Standard Deviation = 9. T. VpD Vin Cin Cy (as(1-A«) Cin lep Vout M2 Ay February 8, 2022 ECEN 326 Homework #3 Due: 2-22-2022, 11:59PM Homeworks will not be received after due. Electron reflection/transmission at metal-vacuum interface. 30 2 0 00 1. M. Electron tunneling through a potential barrier. Electrons inside a potential (quantum) well. Sertac Bayhan – 246F, Tel: 33710126 Email: sertac. 0. Voltage-Voltage Feedback. Open loop and closed loop parameters – gain, input ECEN 326 Lab 8 Frequency Response of a Common-Emitter BJT Amplifier Circuit Topology Circuit schematic of the common-emitter amplifier is shown in Fig. Sertac: Monday, Wednesday 4:00 to 5:00 pm or by appointment Aydin Karsilayan at Texas A&M University (TAMU) in College Station, Texas teaches ECEN 325 - Electronics, ECEN 326 - Electronic Circuits, ECEN 399 - High Impact Prof Development, ECEN 474 - Vlsi Circuit Design, ECEN 691 - Research: In-Ab, ECEN 704 - Vlsi Circuit Design, ENGR 385 - Prob for Coop Students. docx), PDF File (. Aydn I. V V. In terms of jobs, microcontrollers are way better to have experience with. Description. To discuss basic transistor models and layout techniques for design and characterization of analog integrated circuits. View Lab3 Report. Phone: 979-458-3555. Lu Office: 308H Dwight Look Engr. As a branch campus, Texas A Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University 301 Wisenbaker Engineering Building College Station, TX 77843-3128 Phone: 979-845-7441 Follow Our Department: ELEN 326 Current Mirrors Texas A&M University Department of Electrical Engineering. A voltage amplifier requires sensing of the output voltage to produce a feedback voltage. 8. View Lab - Lab 7. Askari College of Education, Burewala. ECEN 314. You should always ask permission for this kind of thing. For both the NMOS and PMOS Prof. Explore undergraduate advising resources in the Texas A&M University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Guest Editor for IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine (the Special Issue of "Next Generation CDMA vs. Since the output impedance of bipolar cascode is higher than that of the CE stage, we would expect its voltage gain to be higher as well. Your name and UIN must be written on the side of your breadboard. VDD M7 Vi+ M8 M9 M1 M3 M10 M11 M12 Vi M4 M2 M5 M6 M13 M14 M15 IX You need the professors permission to audit it. txt) or read online for free. Then, one or more transistors are combined into a subcircuit such Created Date: 12/8/2015 4:25:56 PM View HW2_ECEN326. 4) 0. ecen 326 - lab 4 report - Free download as Word Doc (. One person may find ECEN 322 hardest (speaking as someone who is in their junior year) while another may find another class to be the hardest. Adam Birchfield, abirchfield@tamu. OPAMP finite parameters – input and output impedance, finite DC gain and their effects. Main Research Areas: Continuous-time filters Automatic tuning Analog/RF circuits ECEN 326: ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS • Spring 2016: MWF 3:00pm – 3:50pm CHEN 104 • Instructor: Sebastian Hoyos • Office: 315D WERC • Office Hours: TR 10:30am – noon ECEN 326 - Sebastian Hoyos. Departmentof Electricaland Computer Engineering. OFDMA Created Date: 11/14/2017 4:23:38 PM credit for ECEN 325 and ECEN 326. Hnr-Signals and Systems. Questions about the accreditation of Texas A&M University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097 USA, by calling +1 (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( www. Class Material Basic linear circuits employing operational amplifiers. ECEN 322. edu Office hours : Thursdays 1:00-3:45pm, WEB 215-E, or by request ECEN 326 Lab 5 Design of a MOS Differential Amplifier Circuit Topology The following figure shows a typical MOS differential amplifier, as well as MOS device parameters. Jul 2, 2020 · Approved Distance Learning Courses. 2) Change after MS program: Submit a Letter of Intent (found on the GPS website) to the Graduate Office after defending. Capacitors C B and C C are used for AC coupling, whereas C E is an AC bypass capacitor used to establish an AC ground at the emitter of Q 1. Address: 331D WERC. Office Hours TR 9:30-11:00AM (other times by appointment) ECEN 248 Laboratory Website Discover the best homework help resource for ECEN at Texas A&M University. ECEN 484 Professional Internship. J. O. I've tried to get the best professors I can, so for the most part that isn't the issue. ECEN 340 - Electric Energy Conversion. Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering. Apply the input signal resulting in 5% THD at the output from your Course title: ECEN 460: Power System Operation and Control Lecture time and location: Spring 2024, TR 3:55-5:10 pm, Zach 240 Lab time and location: Varies by section, see below, Zach 326 Course website: https://birchfield. ECEN 326 189 Documents Nov 8, 2014 · Home > Documents > ch01 Tamu ECEN 326. docx Author: Sam Created Date: 12/12/2017 9:55:32 AM Discover the best homework help resource for ECEN at Texas A&M University. to VLSI Sys. 1. Lab 07 ECEN 326 Calculation: Parameter Value Ic1 Ic2 Ic3 Ic4 Ic5 Ic6 Ic7 Ic8 IT Vid Max Vcm Max Vcm Min Gm Ro Rin 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA 1 mA 1 Pole-Zero plot. An emitter follower is added as the Random Signals & Systems. 7 R C + R E1 R E1 R E2, V o,min = V CE2,sat + I oR E2 R o = g0 m2 r o2R 0 E + r o2 + R 0 E g0 m 2= g 2 r ˇ2 r ˇ2 + R B, R0 E = R E k(r ˇ + R B) R B = R C k(r e1 + R E1) NPN Simple Current Mirror with I thought 214 was the worst. To design basic analog IC circuits considering Syllabus. 4. Measure Isupply, Av, Rin, and Rout. Series-Shunt Example Q 1 Q 2 vi Q 3 5. As frequency increases, the capacitor tends to. ECEN 325. Credits 0-1. RS Vs CB Rin CE RE1 VCC Q2 CC RL Vo Rout RF RC1 Q1 RE2 RC2 Figure 1: Feedback amplifier. R C. ECEN 326 189 Documents Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University 301 Wisenbaker Engineering Building College Station, TX 77843-3128. V o1 V o2 V DD R D R D V i1 V i2 M 1 M 2 I T R T-V SS R B M 4 M 3 CD4007N CD4007P k0 n = 70 A=V2 k0 p = 15 A=V2 V tn = 1. Instructor: Sam Palermo Solve the following problems from the Razavi text: Emitter-Coupled Pair DC transfer V CC IT R T-V EE V i1 R C Ic1 V i2 R C Ic2 V o1 V o2 Q 1 Q 2 Vi1 − be1 + Vbe2 − Vi2 = 0 Vbe1 = VT ln Ic1 IS1, Vbe2 = VT ln Ic2 IS2 ELEN 326 - Aydın ˙I. 0 St ( S. Ecen 325 is the anti christ. The lab manual develops the concepts of analog integrated circuit design in a bottom-up approach. 0476 vo Ideal March 1, 2022 ECEN 326 Homework #4 Due: 3-8-2022, 11:59PM Homeworks will not be received after due. 1. Here V stage. pdf from ECEN 326 at Texas A&M University. Hennessy Grading: Homework 25 Aug 24, 2019 · ECEN 325 Electronics Fall 2019 TAMUQ Page 4 Instructor: Dr. edu/460s24 Prerequisites: ECEN 215 or ECEN 314 or consent of instructor (recommended ECEN 340) Contact. 0dB) ELEN 326 Current Mirrors Texas A&M University Department of Electrical Engineering. Created Date: 10/18/2017 8:30:46 AM Feb 7, 2018 · • CSCE 469/ECEN 469 (3), Advanced Computer Architecture • ECEN 468 (4), Advanced Logic Design • ECEN 474 (4), VLSI Circuit Design • ECEN 475 (4), Intro. W. Phone: 979-845-5917. Title: Microsoft Word - exam3_stats. 0-1 Lecture Hours. Sx\0 to The Master of Science degree in electrical engineering is well-suited for students interested in gaining advanced knowledge in electrical engineering topics related to their specific area of interest. ECEN 370 - Jun Zou. short and the gain starts to decrease. Note: This example is designed for 2X the Lab 7 Gm. All of them. 5-1mA. Instructor: Sam Palermo Solve the following problems from the Razavi text: Contact. Director of Undergraduate Programs, Electrical & Computer Engineering. 1st and second order filters –lowpass, bandpass and highpass. e-mail: mlu@ece. The first stage should work well with 0. pdf), Text File (. VDD 14 Yos roa 2002 10 33 2 10 o. Some professors put it in the syllabus that sharing class notes with people /websites not enrolled in the course is a violation of honor code. ECEN 350 - Computer Architecture and Design. Why is Analog Important? • ECEN 314 and 325 9. This multi-stage amplifier consists of common-emitter, common-base, and common-collector amplifier. '35 Professor II. Using a composite transistor consisting of an emitter follower PNP (Q 3) and a common emitter NPN (Q 2) allows for improved performance. doc / . 5V • V E4 ≥ 0. engr. E-mail: xizhang at ece dot tamu dot edu. Office: WEB 212F. This includes generating, transmitting, and storing electrical energy A big disadvantage of TAMU EE is that it focuses so much on analog systems. Voltage Gain of Bipolar Cascode Amplifier. Thermionic emission. Instructor: Sam Palermo Solve the following problems from the Razavi text: ECEN 326 Fall 2017 Lab Policy Section 501: TH 8AM – 10:50AM (CVLB 423) Section 502: TH 11:10AM - 2PM (CVLB 423) TA: Noah Hae-woong Yang Office: WERC 015F Office Hours: T 10AM – 12PM Email: hwyang@tamu. Properties of the Laplace transform - – linearity, time shift, frequency shift, scaling of the time axis and frequency axis, conjugation and symmetry, time reversal, differentiation and integration, duality, Parseval’s relation, initial and final value theorems. Objectives: At the end of this course, students be able to. 25k 3k vo 0. Program Requirements. Submit your report to your TA at the beginning of your lab session. 5 rx 10 - 0 000 0. 0dB) Course title: ECEN 460: Power System Operation and Control Lecture time and location: Spring 2024, TR 3:55-5:10 pm, Zach 240 Lab time and location: Varies by section, see below, Zach 326 Course website: https://birchfield. Instructor: Sam Palermo Please write your name in the space provided below Please verify that there are 5 pages in your exam You may use one double-sided page of notes ECEN 326 Lab 7 Design of a BJT Operational Transconductance Amplifier Circuit Topology The operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) schematic that will be designed in this lab is shown in Fig. (979) 845-2630 (FAX) Selected publications are available online here. Explore graduate advising resources in the Texas A&M University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Phone: 979-845-7441; ECEN 326 Lab 2 Design of a Three-Stage BJT Amplifier Circuit Topology Figure 1 shows the three-stage amplifier to be designed in this lab. From DC conditions, set RE1, RE2, and RC1. Runyon, Jr. Design • ECEN 326 (4), Electronic Circuits 3. 2 PNP transistor typically have low current gain ( ) and low f. Courses: ECEN 325: Electronics; ECEN 326: Electronic Circuits ; ECEN 457: Operational Amplifiers ; ECEN 650: High Frequency IC Design . D L. Electrical engineering is a challenging but exciting and rewarding field of study. ch01 Tamu ECEN 326. ECEN 326 Exam #3 Statistics Mean = 74. ECEN 445 - Robert Nevels. The Free Electron Model in Metals. In this single-pole circuit, this is also the pole frequency. Prerequisite: Two or more of CSCE 633, CSCE 636, CSCE 666, CSCE 676, ECEN 758, ECEN 649, ECEN 740, ECEN 743, ECEN 765, ECEN 760, STAT 616, STAT 618 or STAT 639; Python programming experience is highly recommended. ECEN 326-502 Lab3 Report 2 Lab9. Design ECEN 326 (4), Electronic Circuits # Courses shown in multiple areas can be used in only one place on your degree plan. Aniruddha Datta. edu Teaching Assistant: Dr. ECEN 215 - Principles of Electrical Engineering. Find ECEN study guides, notes, and practice tests for Texas A&M. out A V 0 1 A 0 V in KV out Vout A 0. LDS VGs 612 v 0-612 o. Hnr-Elec & Magnetic Fields. Using Miller's Theorem, give an expression for the input capacitance, Cn including the appropriate transistor capacitors. ECEN 326 HW #4 SOLUTION 9. Simple Current Mirror Bipolar Q IREF-V EE Q 2 O 1 V CC IB1 IB2 I I C1 VBE1 ECEN 314: Signals and Systems (2014 Spring) Course Information • Syllabus Section 200/502; Lecture: 1:50 pm ~ 2:40 pm MWF @ ZACH 223B; Recitation: 5:30 pm ~ 6:30 pm T @ ZACH 203 Voltage-Voltage Feedback. Texas A&M University, College Station 3128 TAMU -315D WERC College Station, TX 77840. in F V in KV out. edu Grading: Pre-labs 40% • One report per person • SPICE simulation verification takes 50% of the Pre-lab grade Prof. ECEN 326 Electronic Circuits. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. 4 V V tp = 1. ECEN 326. Meanwhile UT has multiple classes for microcontrollers (which we only use in our final senior design, thrown together in a couple of labs). Solving differential equations using Laplace transform. tamu. Electronic Circuits. Kar¸sılayan - Differential Pairs 1 ECEN 326 Lab 3 Design of a Two-Stage MOSFET Amplifier Updated Specifications Design a common-source MOSFET amplifier with a source follower using the following specifications: VDD = VSS = 5V |AV| ≥ |-30| Isupply ≤ 1. 5mA RL = 5k Rin ≥ 100k vomax = 1. 65 V W = 170 m W = 360 m L = 10 m L Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University 301 Wisenbaker Engineering Building College Station, TX 77843-3128. Using load line analysis (Eq 7), calculate RC2. edu) Grading Policy In-Class Assignments: 10% (2 team problems and 1 individual quiz; assigned each class with no Exam or Scheduled Review) Team Projects: 7% 2 Exams: 38% (18% Exam1 Sep 26, 2018; 20% Exam2 Oct 31 2018) Final Exam: 20% (10:30AM – 12:30PM Dec 10, 2018) ECEN 326 LAB 2 Design of a Three-Stage BJT Amplifier 1 Circuit Topology and Design Equations Figure 1 shows the three-stage amplifier to be designed in this lab. Credit 4. • V E ≥ 0. Assume 100 and V A = 75 V. Construct the common-emitter amplifier you designed on your breadboard and bring it to your lab session. Office: (979) 862-4253 Phone: (302) 562-4616 Sep 12, 2019 · ECEN 468 (4), Advanced Logic Design ECEN 474 (4), VLSI Circuit Design ECEN 475 (4), Intro. PHD and MS (thesis) students switching to MS (non-thesis): 1) If you have a degree plan on file, submit an MDD petition via DPSS. Phone: 979-845-7441; Laboratory Manual: Available online through eCampus (ecampus. 5Vpk with harmonic distortion below 5% (-26. edu. 2024-2025 Edition. Instructor: Sam Palermo Solve the following problems from the Razavi text: Modification of the PNP Emitter Follower. Click on CSCE, ECEN, and MATH links to view the course information including prerequisites required for these classes. ECEN 326 Lab 10 Design of a BJT Feedback Amplifier Circuit Topology Circuit schematic of the feedback amplifier to be designed in this lab is shown in Fig. Exam # 1. First, the basic devices of CMOS circuit design, the NMOS and PMOS transistors, are introduced and characterized. Electronics. edu/460s24 Prerequisites: ECEN 215 or ECEN 314 or consent of instructor (recommended ECEN 340) ECEN 326 Lab 4 Design of a BJT Differential Amplifier Circuit Topology The following figure shows a typical BJT differential amplifier. I would recommend against trying to test out of it and take 474. Email: a-datta@tamu. Office: (979) 862-4253 Phone: (302) 562-4616 ECEN 326 Spring 2022 Lab Policy Section 501: Wednesday 8:00 AM - 10:50 PM ZACH 324 Section 502: Thursday 11:10 AM – 2:00 PM ZACH 324 Section 503: Thursday 5:30 PM - 8:20 PM ZACH 324 TA: Srujan Kumar Kaile Office: Zoom Office Hours: T 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Email: srujankaile@tamu. 2. Overview. Instrumentation amplifier – differential and common mode gain, and CMRR. G. 5V • V CC = 5V • R L = 10kΩ • R in ≥ 5kΩ • |A V| ≥ |-15| • I supply ≤ 4mA • v omax = 1V pk with harmonic distortion below 5% (-26. edu) Grading Policy In-Class Assignments: 10% (2 team problems and 1 individual quiz; assigned each class with no Exam or Scheduled Review) Team Projects: 7% 2 Exams: 38% (18% Exam1 Sep 26, 2018; 20% Exam2 Oct 31 2018) Final Exam: 20% (10:30AM – 12:30PM Dec 10, 2018) A big disadvantage of TAMU EE is that it focuses so much on analog systems. Phone: (979) 458-3555 Fax: (979) 845-7161. ECEN 303 - Random Signals and Systems. Another output stage issue is that the Q. E1-V EE R B3 B2 R B1 V CC R E3 R L Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 9 Q 8 Q 5 Q 6 Q 7 R V o I o R E3 R E2 R E2 R E4 R E4 R v id 2 v 2 I T V B1 V B2 Matching ECEN 326 Lab 6 Design of Current Mirrors Circuit Topologies NPN Simple Current Mirror: Q 1 R C R E1 V CC Q 2 R E2 V o I o R B R o I o ˇ V CC 0. Apr 17, 2018 · ECEN 248 – Introduction to Digital Systems Design 8:00-9:15AM TR 103 ZEC. vq mp ih rq bk zm kd fg gl lh